Uplifting Strength with Michelle Mason

Friday morning I returned to one of my favorite places in the city to break a sweat, Uplift Studios. As you may recall, I’m no stranger to Uplift. (Previous reviews here and here.)I’ve taken a few classes here in the past, but this was my first time trying their new class format.

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In case you haven’t been to Uplift yet, here is a quick tour of the studio including their vibrant green color scheme, shiny gorgeous “locker room” which includes everything and anything you could need, and the group fitness studio. They even offer phone chargers, curling irons, Nespresso machine, and free wi-fi!

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Friday morning Theodora and I spent 55 minutes getting our butts kicked during Uplifting Strength, led by Michelle. As I referenced above, Uplift debuted a new workout class schedule back in February which now means they focus the schedule around two classes: Uplift Strength and Uplift Cardio. Their site does a great job describing the new class.

Uplifting-Strength incorporates dumbbells, resistance bands and your own body in order to build strength and power — two of a woman’s most important assets! You’ll use the heaviest weights you can and work each muscle group to fatigue before moving on to the next. To build explosive power (and to keep calorie burn high!), Tabata-style cardio bursts are incorporated, including a high-energy “finisher” to leave you feeling exhilarated, accomplished, and strong. Developed by Uplift’s general manager and head instructor Michelle Mason.

The 55 minute class few by thanks to Michelle’s awesome playlist which included a mix of top songs, West Coast rap, and old school favorites including Madonna! I love that the class focuses on burning out each muscle group individually and then sticks an intense cardio burst before you transition to the next muscle group. The cardio is not a joke though. It’s 4 minutes of heart pounding hell filled with mountain climbers, burpees, and frog jumps which always kill me!

In addition since you work one muscle group to exhaustion and then move on to the next part, you can push yourself to the limit. I used 15 pound weights for the majority of our strength moves and can definitely feel it two days later! The work we did with the bands were also killers as they targeted muscles in different ways. As always, due to the small class format Michelle was able to correct our moves throughout the class ensuring that we are feeling the moves in the right muscles and not injuring ourselves.

The addition of a timer also helped us push even harder as we knew that there were only 20 seconds or so left of each set. I fully believe in her mantra used in class that you can do anything for a short amount of time. Even if that means dreaded burpees or lunge jumps!

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Thanks Michelle for a great early morning workout! This was a bright, energetic start to my Friday while still being a fun social event since Theodora joined!

For more reviews, check out some of Michelle’s great reviews on Rate Your Burn and FitMapped!

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Say It, Do It December Style

Just like that, November is over and it’s time to enjoy my favorite month of the year! This month is going to be one big whirlwind but I’m super excited already!


  • December 1st: OUC Half Marathon and Bachelorette weekend down in Orlando Check! (Per the above pic of me and Mary heading towards the finish, it was a great success and a lot of fun!)
  • December 8th: NYRR Jingle Bell Jog 4 miler and Our 3rd Annual Tacky Holiday Party
  • December 11th-13th: PADI Scuba training in the evening
  • December 15th: NYRR 15K
  • December 18th: Vermont
  • December 27th: St Croix

In order to kick off my 29th year in the best way possible, I thought it’d be fun to get back in the habit of doing Say It, Do It. Jes features this on her blog each week and it’s a great way to put weekly, attainable goals out for others to see and keep me motivated all week long.

Here are my workout plans for the week along with 2 goals for the week to keep me motivated!

  • Monday: Michelle’s Uplift Workit Circuit with Melissa
  • Tuesday: Heavy lifting personal training session + evening speed workout in Central Park with my work run club
  • Wednesday: Relaxed morning run with Theodora
  • Thursday: PM run with work run club
  • Friday: Fitness video shoot + yoga
  • Saturday: NYRR Holiday 4 miler
  • Sunday: rest

Goals for the week:

  • Set a new PR on Saturday during the NYRR Jingle Bell Jog 4 miler with Bo’s help
  • Focus on clean eating Monday through Saturday afternoon


Maybe I can also get a better race picture on Saturday as this one from last year’s race is pretty rough!

Your turn: What are your fitness goals this week?

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Hitting the Reset Button

After running a marathon (see recap Part 1 and Part 2) and spending the week following those 26.2 miles eating, drinking, relaxing, and ringing in the holiday season with friends and family it is definitely time for a reset.


There has been a great deal of wine, rich foods and carbohydrate loading in my life lately.


In fact, due to the marathon I think I forgot what it felt like to enjoy a day of clean eating and a really tough workout. So, instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a multi-day cleanse from one of the many New York City cleanse boutiques, I’m saving my money and instead just getting back to basics with clean eating, reduced caffeine, more water, more sleep, and more intense total body workouts.

I kicked off the day around 7:30 with warm lemon water to aid in digestion.


At 9am I enjoyed a new version of oatmeal at my desk, thanks to inspiration from Tosca Reno. Her recipe for apple pie oatmeal was easy, delicious, and included healthy fats that kept me full all morning. It was also fun to change up the flavors since I’m so accustomed to my daily banana oatmeal. I made sure to remember my daily vitamins and supplements this morning as well. I find that taking the in the morning with breakfast gives me a little boost of energy all day long.


For lunch, I reduced the processed carbs, caffeine and cheese from my meal by focusing on nutrient rich vegetables and clean protein sources in my salad and cut out the normal side items. I found that increasing the size of my salad filled me enough that I didn’t need anything else for a couple of hours. Today’s combination (romaine, salmon, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, broccoli, peppers, egg whites, salt, pepper, dash of olive oil, and a squirt of lemon juice) was a new one and I really liked the lemon juice kick paired with the crisp vegetables!


Around 4pm I had a mid afternoon snack which was supposed to be a banana and a handful of almonds. Unfortunately, the banana didn’t fare to well during the morning commute. Instead, I munched on a pear and almonds along with 2 cups of herbal tea.


I met Melissa for Work It Circuit at Uplift Studios after work since we were both craving a workout and some quality time together.

Workit Circuit: Total Body Cardio/Strength with Bodyweight
This class offers continuous cardio-arms-legs-core circuits to confuse your muscles and get an intense total body workout. Using only your body weight, you will work each major muscle group to fatigue – then do it all again. Shoes required.

This class kicked my butt and left me panting by the half way point! Michelle is not messing around with this class and you literally don’t stop for the entire 55 minutes! At one point my marathon legs were screaming, reminding me that I ran a marathon a week ago. By the 3rd set I focused on form more than speed as I wanted to make sure not too injure anything.


I didn’t pick up dinner until 8:15 due to the class and all I knew was that I needed lots of protein and needed food quickly. Melissa and I stopped into Hale and Hearty where I was able to pick up a small soup and large spinach salad packed with protein to help quell my screaming hunger.


Even after such an indulgent week, the past 12 hours of healthier eating and drinking are already having a positive affect on my body.

Since I have a half marathon to run on Saturday and a trip to St Croix coming up in exactly a month, you may see more of these food and workout posts as I find they definitely help me stay on track and motivated.

What are your favorite ways to eat clean? Is there a snack or salad ingredient I should try? Or, do you have a favorite decaf tea you rely on when trying to reduce caffeine?

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