Muffins + Mat Make a Perfect Afternoon

This afternoon I was able to successfully complete the rest of my to do list!

I had two perfect bananas just screaming to be used for banana bread. But, I had other plans for this group of ingredients. IMG_0634IMG_0636


I found this recipe online when I searched for healthy banana bread muffins. Then, by reading the comments on Roni’s site, Green Lite Bites, I saw that it is important to use a food scale when baking in order to ensure the most exact measurements. Who knew?! I used it today and it made a huge difference. I also learned how to sift flour when you don’t have a sifter. According to it is best to use a whisk if you have one, in order to thoroughly mix all dry ingredients and spread air throughout the mixture.

IMG_0637 IMG_0639IMG_0640These delicious muffins turned out perfectly! They are healthier due to the whole wheat flour, applesauce, and of course some cinnamon for a little dose of health. I highly recommend this recipe to anyone who wants a healthy snack on the go. These are now packed in Ziplock bags for afternoon snacks this week to enjoy with a cup of green tea.

IMG_0644 IMG_0642 After enjoying one of these muffins, I knew it was time to stretch out my tight hamstrings with my weekly dose of yoga.

While I love Equinox’s yoga classes, their class times don’t always work with my schedule; especially on Sunday. The clubs near me only have morning or late evening classes which and the morning classes are normally packed. IMG_0645

I realized that I have a great resource in my home that I rarely use: Comcast FitTV OnDemand. It is amazing! I was able to do 3 different classes including a YogaWorks yoga class, Kim Kardashian’s ab class, and a 10 minute relaxing meditation class.

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After spending so much time inside today, Bo and I both wanted to get out of the house. We enjoyed a leisurely walk back to our house after completing a few errands in midtown. We had time to stop in Madison Square Park to enjoy the dogs and beautiful weather!IMG_0651

IMG_0658 IMG_0657 IMG_0654 IMG_0653 IMG_0652I fully intend to spend the rest of the evening on the couch enjoying the Academy Awards with Bo. Have you entered my Academy Award sized giveaway yet?

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