Physique 57 Arm + Ab Booster DVD Review

After a wonderful weekend down in Atlanta, I am more than ready for some vegetables, water, recovery.

Luckily, the Atlanta airport aided my cause. The B terminal at Hartsfield International Airport has some wonderful and healthy food choices including Au Bon Pain and Proof of the Pudding. I chose a Greek salad which was filled to the brim with vegetables and topped with feta cheese. It even included all natural dressing on the side!

IMG_2200 (640x478) Enjoyed gate side with water, banana, and a bag of Baked Lays it was the perfect lunch!

IMG_2201 (640x478)IMG_2203 (640x478) Instead of blogging during the flight, the lack of sleep from last night caught up with me. I slept for the entire flight, only waking up when the captain announced our landing.

During our taxi cab home, I debated whether or not I was going to take today as a second rest day. After this week’s tough workouts, I needed yesterday’s rest day, even though I danced for over two hours last night. Part of me wanted to come home, lay on the couch, and be lazy. But, the other part of realized that in just 20 short days we’ll be on the beaches of Bermuda’. That, along with the warm summer temperatures inspired me to do more!

Enter, my first Physique 57 at home workout!

IMG_2204 (640x478)I chose the Arm & Ab Booster since it is only 35 minutes in the length and focuses on the two areas I’m trying to change the most. Knowing that I only had to commit 30 minutes, since 5 of the minutes are directions, background, and the credits, made it a lot easier to find the motivation to start the workout at 6pm on a Sunday.

This DVD is perfect for people like me who work their legs during the week but tend to forget their soft centers or weak arms. It challenges the arms and abs without exhausting the legs even more. I also loved that the DVD featured exercises I’ve never done during my 9 different Physique 57 classes. The DVD included adjustments for people who are stronger and weaker alike, which means that a beginner or advanced student alike could enjoy this DVD.

The DVD started with the traditional Physique 57 minute warm-up including leg and arm lifts. The arm section came next and 14 minutes of exercises which worked every section of the arms including triceps, shoulders, and biceps. In addition, by reminding the viewer to tighten their abs and use proper form, the chest and abs were also worked during this section. IMG_2205 (478x640)

The abs section was definitely harder for me, as this is my weaker body part. The playground ball was used for almost all the ab exercises but ranged from being a supportive tool to a way to engage the inner thighs during more traditional ab exercises.

My goal is to incorporate this into my routine three times per week between now and our trip to Bermuda. I’m curious to see what type of results I will see or feel after the 3 week challenge!

The Low Down

Title: Physique 57 Arm & Ab Booster

Host: Shelly Knight

Commitment: Just 30 Minutes

Am I too beginner?: Physique 57 does a great job incorporating beginner adjustments or alternatives in this DVD by having one person show the adjustments during the entire DVD. A beginner could enjoy this DVD just as much as someone who is more advanced.

What’s required? A yoga mat or soft surface, lighter and heavier weights (3lb and 5lb idea for intermediate), and a playground ball or a rolled up towel

Would I recommend it or do it again? Yes! This is a short and concise DVD that cuts right to the chase and had me sweating in 20 minutes. There is room to grow and the fit models inspire me to do more and try harder.

Question: Have you ever tried a workout DVD at home? What is your favorite?

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30/60/90 Equinox Workout Review

can feel it, 2011 is going to be a great year!

I was still a bit groggy this morning as our friends, Mike and Liz, who just got engaged over the holiday came over for dinner and drinks last night. I was the lame wife who went to bed at midnight due to exhaustion. Oh well, I had a hot morning workout date!

This morning I met Ali and Sara again for a wonderful workout class. As you may recall, we enjoyed a Saturday triple threat Equinox session before the holiday together. Since then, we’ve been talking about trying more classes together. Per Sara’s recommendation, we tried the infamous 30/60/90 this morning.

I knew it was going to be a sweat session after reading the description alone.

30/60/90:  Created by Kristi Molinaro. A high intensity interval training workout consisting of cardio, strength training,plyometrics and static holds designed to get you into the best shape of your life. Very challenging but modifiable for all levels.

30 60 90 (1)

When we heard this morning’s class was only going to be 45 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of abs, we were disappointed as we were hoping for an hour session. By the end of the class, we couldn’t imagine doing the workouts one minute longer. This morning’s class revolved around the step, body bar, and our own body weight.

Kristi Molinaro's 30/60/90®

This class is very effective due to the interval training. It is designed to rev up the metabolism similar to high-intensity interval training such as HIIT. I will warn you, there is no programmed break during the class and it is not for beginners. However, the teachers do give some adjustments that students can do if their muscles are weary. For example. by the last set, I wanted to throw the body bar out the window and put it on the floor so I could ensure correct form for the last few sumo squats jumps. An interview with the 30/60/90 creator can be seenhere which also features some of the exercises.

I loved everything about 30/60/90 today: great music, no complicated choreography, helpful instructor, great company, and the class was surprisingly not full!


After our workout, Ali and I headed into Fish’s Eddy as I needed a new work breakfast bowl. The shop is always so fun and bright! I took the bowl for a test ride this morning. I love the fun, bright color and can’t wait to use it at work.

IMG_0700   IMG_0699

Fage 2%

1/4 cup Homemade Cinnamon Granola

1 banana, sliced

I have to shower and get ready because we’re off to see Promises, Promises! Bo’s parents gave us tickets for my birthday and I’m so excited to see the final show this afternoon.

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