35 Minute Full Body Workout

This morning I had plans of re-creating last week’s Barry’s Bootcamp workout in the hotel gym. Unfortunately, even though the hotel has a huge fitness center including 10 treadmills, every single one was in use this morning when I arrived around 6am. I guess the early bird gets the worm here in Switzerland! Instead of waiting around for a machine which is definitely not my style, I created my own workout that I knew would leave my muscles quivering while also allowing me to break a much needed sweat.

I switched my music to my sprint playlist which included some of my favorite Ludacris and Outkast songs of the past and got to work. Be sure to choose challenging weights for this workout, especially for the last 2 sets. I used 12 and 15 lb weights for the first 2 sets and finished with 17.5 lb weights! Needless to say, I’m starving for breakfast but feeling awesome!

I hope you like this workout as much as I did!

No Machines Needed Workout

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Strong Arm and Back Workout

This morning I was excited to get back to my lifting routine. After seven hours of sleep and a refreshing, healthy Coconut Peach smoothie for dinner I was energized and rested.

Unfortunately, my trainer missed my email and therefore wasn’t at the gym bright and early this morning. While my warm, cozy bed was screaming for me to come home I decided to put my muscles to good use on my own this morning. This 30 minute workout left my arms quivering in the best of ways! Even though I did it at the gym this morning, you can do it at home or in a hotel gym as long as you have heavy weights.

Since I’m travelling to Paris and Geneva for business beginning on Friday night, I will most likely reference this workout next week in the hotel gym.

Strong Arms and Back Workout

I call it the 45 since you end up doing 45 reps of each exercise by the end of the workout! The final sweat is something I love to add to the end of any weight workout as it gets my heart pumping and the energy flowing!

Have a great Tuesday!

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Condensed and Intense Circuit Workout

Good morning from the friendly Delta skies. I have heard this line many times but today especially, I really have such gratitude for the Delta team at JFK.


I had a really bad taxi experience this morning as we arrived at JFK and the taxi told me his credit card machine wasn’t working. After some tough words and the help of a nearby police officer he finally “fixed” the problem. I was so flustered thinking about this and getting excited about the bachelorette weekend that as I went through security, I left my carry on suitcase. I didn’t notice it because the weight of my computer bag on my shoulder and how rushed I was to make it down to the gate in time and get breakfast. As I walked to the gate they asked me if I needed a pink tag. That’s when I looked down and realized I didn’t have my bag. I am so blessed that they did everything in their power, with only 10 minutes before the plane door had to close, to get my bag back to me. Sweet Dorothy drove like a madwoman screaming in her Jamaican accent that I had a wedding to get to and had to get my bridesmaid dress at security to anyone who stood in the way of her cart. This sounded better in her opinion then “move this woman has a bachelorette to get to and a race to run” but it was hilarious regardless. The security team even met us halfway since we were going all the way from Delta terminal 2 to terminal 4. So while I know that Delta, nor any airline for that matter, is perfect, they definitely one a point in my book today. I wish I could give each of them holiday bonuses!

Now that I’ve shared a story of gratitude with y’all let’s get on to the post!


If you are a long time reader, then you know that my go to travel breakfast is Starbucks. A perfect oatmeal, banana and iced unsweetened green tea just can’t be beat! I normally add the package of nuts to the oats for some added protein and healthy fats along with a dash of the brown sugar.


If you’ve never tried adding brown sugar to your oatmeal you definitely should as a little bit goes a long way and the flavor can’t be beat!


I’m enjoying this morning’s oatmeal with a banana and a side of studying. I am getting PADI Scuba certified this year, finally, and it requires some studying in advance. On December 11-13th I will spend time in the pool each night from 8-11pm with Pan Aqua in New York doing all my course work and after completing the 3 nights and passing 4 tests I’ll be able to do my 4 qualifying dives down in St. Croix over New Years!

Condensed and Intense Boot Camp

I realized, going through pictures this morning, that I forgot to share an awesome boot camp Bo created for us last week. We both wanted to work off some of the wine and turkey we enjoyed on Thursday and figured that a boot camp together was a perfect option. But, don’t worry, this workout can be done on your own at a gym as well. The entire workout took us 45 minutes but you can do bits and pieces of it or just 1 circuit group if you’re short on time!


Cardio Blast #1:

  • 1 minute jumping jacks
  • 1 minute jump rope

Strength Blast #1

Cardio Blast #2:

  • Set a treadmill to 1 incline and spring 1/2 mile as fast as possible while maintaining the same speed the whole time and ensuring you don’t overexert yourself. For reference, Bo went at 8.5 and I went at 7.8.

Strength Blast #2

Cardio Blast #3

  • Set a treadmill incline to 11.0 and walk a half mile as quickly as possible, pumping your arms for momentum. For reference, Bo and I both walked at 4.0-4.5 for the half mile.

Strength Blast #3  (repeat #2)

Cardio Blast #4

  • On a rowing machine set the resistance to flywheel resistance to 7 then row 1,000  meters as quickly as possible ensuring proper form is maintained the entire time to reduce risk of injury.

As always, be sure to do some gentle warm-up and stretching before any workout and go at your own pace.

Question: I’m working on a video series of workouts that you all can do on your own over the holidays whether you’re in your parents basement, in your tiny apartment, or at a hotel. Any special requests? My goal is for the first video to go live by next Friday, in time for those people starting the holidays early!

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