Crazy work day and POLLY!

Okay, I apologize profusely as today has been a crazy work day. We had two business issues early on that put me behind a few hours. Then, my dream job got posted to our internal website. Therefore, I spent the rest of the day working on my application so I can apply this week and go through the interview process next week! This job would be amazing as it is based in our Manhattan office, would be on new brands/products, and would involve travel! Wish me luck!!

Food today was the EXACT same as yesterday:
Lunch: 4 oz chicken, zuchinni, and 1/2 c brown rice
Snack 2: 4 celery stalks and almond butter
Dinner: 6 oz tilapia, asparagus, squash, salad, and berries for dessert.
I’m really proud of myself for chugging lots of water anytime I was tempted to get a snack. This is the first time in ages i’ve stuck to a plan for more than a day!

Tonight, as I was brushing my teeth I realized just how tight I was after Physique, walking, and this mornings workout. Therefore, I finally visited the AMAZING Polly for some Yoga for Runners! I highly recommend it: It was an incredible 10 minute workout that definitely left me feeling better! Now it’s time for bed! Tomorrow morning is 10 miles…no questions asked..either treadmill or outside depending on the temperature. Due to my Reynauds I just can’t put my body through running outside if it’s under 40 and windy.

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meloncauliflower: the way you like it (*giveaway*)

Sorry I haven’t posted but i’m crazy busy today..and in hopes that I have better luck with giveaways this week than I did last’s one to check out by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!!

meloncauliflower: the way you like it (*giveaway*)

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Breakfast and morning workout

Good morning!

Sorry for the late post but work has been killer this morning! When my alarm went of at 5:45 this morning I could barely get out of bed. Youch! It was a good pain though as I could tell I worked my body during class last night. I agree with Melissa that stretching could be longer at Physique so I think i’ll just make sure to stretch an extra 5-10 minutes after class. I do think the 1.5 mile walk each way to and from the studio helps get the blood moving and loosen up the muscles. After downing a slice of light wheat bread with some all natural almond butter (less than a Tbsp) I headed down to the Wall Street NYSC. I really like this location because it isn’t too busy and has a TON of treadmills unlike some of the uptown locations which are always smelly and cramped. In addition the architecture and woodwork inside is unreal! Luckily I read Caitlin’s post about running inspiration and hopped on the treadmill telling myself I had to do at least 1 mile before I could head to the elliptical. At this point I KNEW 10 miles was out of the question but the 3 miles I did felt great! I did an easy 3 miles in 30 minutes, 15 minutes on the elliptical, 5 minutes with the foam roller, and then 20 minutes of arms from the Oxygen issue:

Barbell Bench Press 4 sets of 6 reps 40 lbs

Standing Shoulder raise 4 sets of 6 reps 17.5 lb weights each nad

Tricep Rope Pressdown 4 sets of 20 reps 30 lbs

Tricep dips: 3 sets of 20

Pushups: 18 standard pushups on toes

This mornings breakfast was the same as yesterday per the plan: 3/4 c oats, 1.5 c water, cinnamon, and a sliced banana. I also added the suggested supplements today per the plan and am anxious to see if I notice a difference over the next few weeks (Fish Oil, Womens Multivitamin, Folic Acid, and Amino Acid Complex)

Work is crazy busy today and I really, really need to do 10 miles tomorrow. Therefore, my plan is to do a 20 minute stretching yoga session and abs later this evening to breakup the work monotony.

Finally, don’t forget to head over to Bobbi’s rocking site to not only receive lots of inspiration but also try for a great Danskin jacket!

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