Morning Motivation Playlist

I had a sweaty date this morning with these spin shoes and my iPod!


This morning was different than the past few. I sprung out of bed and was out the door within five minutes. I was excited for my first solo spin session. My Equinox features six spin bikes near the treadmills which are available for members to use freely.

Last night I made a new motivation playlist, just in time for this morning’s spin workout and tomorrow morning’s long run in Central Park. This list is a compilation of old favorites (Yeah, 3 AM, Stand Up, What’s Your Fantasy), suggestions from Ali’s recent playlist (The Time, Hold It Against Me), and songs that my instructors have featured recently during their classes.

I loved every second of my morning music and even caught myself singing during my spin session!


I also gained a sense of satisfaction from this morning’s session. After a year of spin classes, I was able to mix up my resistance, up downs, and speed to throw together a 45 minute sweat session that left my legs tired but not too exhausted before tomorrow’s long run.

What’s your favorite workout song right now to motivate you through your workout?

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