Long Run Play Mix


Last week I talked about how influential my new run mix was in powering me through the solo miles. A few people have emailed me requesting that I share the songs. I’m putting my pride aside and sharing the mix of songs that I loved listening to even though they are a very random mix!

image image These songs take me back through the years. Back in sixth grade I knew every word to Always be My Baby, Blink-182 is fresh out of my high school years, and OAR and John Mayer were the theme song to my freshman year at University of Georgia.

I hope you enjoy one or two of these for your playlist this week. I’m currently debating whether I should still go down to Philadelphia for this weekend’s half marathon and rocking out to Jay-Z.It’s been a really long week and it turn’s out that Leslie’s IT band is giving her big issues and may keep her from running it too. I could stay in New York City, run the Fitness 4 miler AND finish my 20 miler, all while still being able to catch up with Bo before I leave for Los Angeles. Believe it or not, due to our schedule this week we literally have not seen each other AWAKE since Monday. 🙁 That’s a sad story.

In fact, typing this, I think I’ve made my decision.

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  1. Michelle @ Crazy*Running*Legs September 17, 2011 / 5:51 pm

    Love your music mix! I have a very odd assortment of stuff on my iPod. Mixing it up keeps it interesting.

    It’s sounds like you were leaning on staying home — I would definitely stay home! There will be other races, but nothing beats playing catch up with your hubby/family. Have a nice weekend 🙂

    • healthyh September 17, 2011 / 8:19 pm

      Michelle: I love running to an assortment of music especially old favorites!!

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