New York City Marathon Training: Week 14

Wow, I can’t believe that in less than 3 weeks, I will have finished my second marathon!

It has been a crazy few weeks and unfortunately I haven’t done an weekly update since week 11. I apologize for that, but to make up for lost time here is the last few weeks in a nutshell:

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  • In the past 3 weeks I’ve flown 8 times on Delta
  • I’ve run in five different cities: Tampa, Charleston, Savannah, New York, and Los Angeles
  • I ran my fastest mile ever during last week’s speed work session
  • I had one great 20 miler and one horrible 20 miler that has given my the mental strength to know I can conquer the New York City marathon again this year.
  • As long as the weather is on my side, I’ve chosen my race day outfit.
  • I’m finally excited about the marathon and have decided to re-read A Race Like No Other.
  • Now that I’m pumped for the race, I’m loving the ING NYC Marathon Daily Tips emails they are sending out to runners!image So, now that I’ve gushed about my excitement and given you the skinny on the last month, let me give you the update on the past week of training.


Week 14 Actual: October 10-16th

Monday: 4.0 mile basic run with striders

Tuesday: 4.0 mile speed workout (1 mile warm up, 1 mile at 8:54, 1 mile at 8:04, 1 mile cool down)

Wednesday: 3.0 mile easy run

Thursday: personal Training

Friday: rest day

Saturday: 20 mile long run in Tampa with Meghann

Sunday: rest day

Total mileage: 31 miles

I took two rest days this week though Sunday was more like a recovery day since I danced into the wee hours of the night after Saturday’s long run.

My goals for this week’s training are as follows:

Week 15 Plain: October 17th-23rd

Monday: 4.0 mile basic run with striders

Tuesday: personal training session

Wednesday: 5.5 mile speed workout

Thursday: personal Training + yoga in the evening

Friday: rest day

Saturday: 13 miles (I am actually going to run the last 13 miles of the marathon route! If you’re interested in joining, please leave a comment as a group of us are organizing a last 10 mile run.)

Sunday: yoga

Total mileage: 22.5 miles

Also, if you have any marathon training questions, please leave a comment as I am working on my own Marathons+Moderation post and would love to address any questions during my post this week!

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Taper Nutritional Changes

Happy Monday!

It felt wonderful to sleep eight hours last night, in my own bed, and know that I won’t have to sleep in a hotel bed or step foot on an airplane for until Thanksgiving holiday!


This morning I woke up, in my own bed, bright and early for a short recovery run. My legs definitely were still tight and not very happy with me. The run was a steady run on the treadmill and I spent ten minutes on the foam roller afterwards trying to loosen some of the knots in my quadriceps and calf.

After my workout, I did something I haven’t done in months: pack my lunch! Saturday, during our 20 mile run, I told Meghann that I wanted to focus on my nutrition the three weeks leading up to the marathon. I did this for the National Half Marathon due to Lent’s timing and have never felt better. This time around, I’m not going to insane, but just trying to focus on small improvements:

  • Bringing my breakfast and lunch to work 3-4 days per week.
  • Swapping out afternoon sweets for dried cherries, more details below.
  • Swapping diet soda for water, Crystal Light Pure, and coconut water

Today’s lunch, though lacking photographs, included plenty of snacks to keep me fueled throughout the day and aid in avoiding the multiple Halloween candy bowls which have graced my co-workers’ desks.

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  • Jif natural peanut butter and orange marmalade on Arnold sandwich thin
  • 2 dill pickles
  • Chobani Peach yogurt with 1/8 cup of Uncle Sam’s cereal
  • String Cheese
  • Adora Calcium disk
  • Single serving of dried cherries

While this may seem like a lot of food to some, keep in mind that I am at the office from 7:30am until 7:30pm most days. Therefore, this, along with my banana oatmeal, was 12 hours worth of food.

In other news, today’s dried cherries and my nutritional swap, is due in part to a new partnership I have with Choose Cherries and their Powered by Red initiative. Cherries, as you may know, are natural anti-inflammatory due to anthocyanins, the same compound which gives them their red color.  Choose Cherries is sponsoring me for the ING NYC Marathon this year! In exchange, I will integrate cherries into my life for the next three weeks to see if they help with training. I’ll also be providing some delicious recipe ideas and an opportunity for you all to participate in an interview with Leslie Boncie, the author of Run Your Butt Off by submitting your questions!

IMG_5052 (478x640) IMG_5051 (478x640) Have a great evening! I’m off to enjoy Gossip Girl with my compression sock covered legs elevated!

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22 Hours Straight

After yesterday’s 20 mile run, I was ready to lay horizontal for the next few hours! I was absolutely exhausted, both emotionally and physically.

Luckily our hotel, the Tampa Marriot Waterside, included a gorgeous pool area which, despite the below picture, was the perfect place to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather all afternoon.

IMG_4998 (640x478) I went straight from the ice bath to the pool lounge chair. After learning the hard way that Aleve should never be taken on an empty stomach, I enjoyed a small bag of pretzel thins while the boys were off getting lunch.

IMG_4999 (478x640)Lunch couldn’t have come soon enough! This delicious barbecue grilled chicken sandwich with sautéed mushrooms and onions was gone in no time! The fries were a little mushy so unfortunately they weren’t enjoyed nearly as much as the sandwich.

IMG_5001 (640x478)I spent the afternoon alternating between water, Corona Light, Cigar City Good Gourd beer, and Miami Vice.

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Luckily, I had good friends to relax and drink with poolside.

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Unfortunately, at 5pm we had to head up to our rooms to get ready for the wedding which meant saying goodbye to Meghann and Derek! 

I was especially excited for my wedding attire since I was able to use my late grandmother’s earrings and clutch. Neither of which hold much value to anyone else, but to me I felt like she was looking down on me all night.

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The wedding organized shuttles to transport guests from the hotel to the church and then to the reception, a gesture which we appreciated greatly as out of town guests who were ready to party!

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The Catholic wedding ceremony took place in Tampa’s beautiful Sacred Heart Catholic Church.  The wedding  was shorter than we expected as it turns out there are two types of Catholic weddings: wedding ceremony and wedding mass. Last night’s celebration was a wedding ceremony instead of mass which meant the following:

Mass Or No Mass

If the ceremony takes place without a Mass, the ceremony concludes with nuptial blessings and a final prayer from the priest. He then tells the congregation, "Go in peace with Christ," to which they respond, "Thanks be to God." If the ceremony includes Mass (which adds only 15 minutes to the service), the priest asks for the "sign of peace," in which everyone shakes hands with their neighbors. Holy Communion follows. Finally, the priest recites a concluding prayer and nuptial blessing asking for strength and protection for the couple.

IMG_5010 (640x478)After the wedding we boarded the shuttles for the reception at Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club. The evening weather was perfect for a cocktail hour on the back veranda overlooking the palm trees and golf course!

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IMG_5017 (640x478) We enjoyed the cool evening weather with their signature cocktail, a French Martini, and passed appetizers which included escargot stuffed mushrooms and rack of lamb.

IMG_5014 IMG_5019An hour later we were seated for a sit down dinner before a night of dancing. The decor was gorgeous and the food was some of the best wedding food we’ve enjoyed. Everything was cooked perfectly and seasoned well. As soon as we were seated for dinner, my post long run hunger caught up with me which meant I enjoyed the meal thoroughly! IMG_5022 (640x478)  IMG_5024 (640x478) IMG_5025 (640x478) 

After dinner it was time to party! We realized very quickly that Puerto Ricans truly know how to party!

IMG_5023 (640x478) We danced from 10:30pm until 2:30am enjoying both Puerto Rican music and Top 40 hits alike!

IMG_5030 (640x478) It was a wonderful evening with old friends but by the time I hit the bed at 3am I was beyond exhausted! After staying up for 22 hours straight all I wanted was our hotel room’s king size bed and compression socks!

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