It’s Race Week

I’m so excited! Race week is here!! Thankfully the weather is on our side as of now! I’m in love with the race day report in the 5 day forecast! Hopefully it holds true!


This hasn’t been the smoothest of training cycles but regardless I’m still looking forward to Sunday. My number one goal this week is to have legs who want to run come Sunday. So instead of things like Barry’s Bootcamp and evening run clubs, I’m spending time foam rolling, sleeping, and relaxing.

Gia has given me very, very explicit directions for this week and before she boarded the plane for Los Angeles, I promised to obey. I’m focusing on sleeping each night, spending lots of time on the foam roller, focusing on eating healthy at the office, and hydrating all week.

2013-03-13 21.19.09

It has felt very weird to have a mid-week rest day today. In fact, I almost broke my promise and ran home from work this evening. But, I took a second and thought about the true goal and thought better of it. It’s been ages since I finished a race feeling truly strong and that is definitely my goal for Sunday!

How about you? Do you rest and relax on race weeks via taper or do you continue with your training?

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  1. Shannon @ Mon Amour March 14, 2013 / 2:35 am

    I have such a hard time taking extra rest days but I try to remind myself that they are necessary sometimes. Good luck this weekend!

  2. Katie @ Talk Less, Say More March 14, 2013 / 9:25 am

    Good luck this weekend! I’ve definitely found foam rolling to be HUGE for my progress and how my legs feel. The toughest thing is just reminding myself how much better I feel so that I’ll actually take a few minutes to do it. ha!

    • ashleyd March 14, 2013 / 12:19 pm

      Katie how long do you foam roll when you notice a difference? 5 minutes or 20 minutes?

  3. Maureen March 14, 2013 / 12:28 pm

    Good luck on Sunday! I am always tempted to keep training right up till race day, but I found I perform better when I take it easy race week. It’s a hard habit to break.

  4. Tricia March 15, 2013 / 3:42 am

    i’m doing the same a little less, made 4 loaves of irish soda bread tonight instead of working out 🙂 – so excited for the race on sunday!!!!

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