What’s Next?


Two weeks ago, I crushed my half marathon goal and set a new personal record (PR) during the NYC Half Marathon. It was a wonderful day that reminded me just how much I love running!


Even though you’d think this runner’s high would make me want to sign up for every single race in the metro area to continue pushing myself, I’ve actually experienced the opposite. I decided it was time to take a break from training and spend two weeks doing whatever workout I found myself in the mood to experience that day. Therefore, my evenings or mornings have been filled with yoga, Barry’s Bootcamp, and Uplift Fitness classes. I’ve loved gaining a new appreciation for yoga through the month unlimited pass I bought at Laughing Lotus. Both Barry’s Bootcamp and Uplift have allowed me to combine great music, super sweaty workouts, and friends while pushing my body. In order to break through a bit of the plateau I was feeling I’ve started increasing the weight I use in both of these classes having now moved up to primarily using 15 pound weights for all arm workouts, even tricep work!


However, now that my legs have had a break from running for two weeks, they are anxious to get back into training. Yesterday during the run portion of Barry’s Bootcamp I found myself pushing the speed in ways that I haven’t done previously just for the sole purpose of feeling my stride again. After reviewing my race calendar along with the New York Road Runners and NYC Runs calendar, I’m excited to focus on speed for the next few weeks. On May 4th I’m running The Run for Hope, a local 5k race down in Battery Park City hosted by high school children. I love the idea of supporting a local school since I remember working for hours to fundraise during high school and am hoping that the route will include scenic views of the Statue of Liberty and the Hudson River!  Therefore the month of April will be all about speed! I look forward to working with Gia to incorporate more speedwork into my weekly running schedule while we still balance the strength work that I’ve been loving through group workout classes and weekly long runs to ensure that I’m still in half marathon shape come May 18th when we head out to Brooklyn with a number of our other running friends for the New York Road Runners Brooklyn Half. It’s been two years since I ran this race and while I’m not looking to set another half marathon PR, I would like to improve my course time which is a 2:20:44.

Luckily, to help with this new speed training, I have a new lightweight pair of shoes to incorporate into my shorter workouts. The New Balance Minimus 10V2 feature a Vibram out sole,  which makes them last longer along with odor resistant interior, and hot pink laces!  I love how bright and fun the shoes are while still being supportive and good entry point to minimal running without being as extreme as some other options on the market. With a 4mm drop the shoe will help improve my running form and feel running in a whole different manner.


I’ve tried the shoes out three times in 2 different environments: on the treadmill during Barry’s Bootcamp sprints and at Uplift. My feet felt no pain during either workouts even though one of the Barry’s Bootcamp classes included 3.5 miles of treadmill running. While on the incline I felt like I had a stronger grip and was more stable while on the sprints my feet felt lighter due to the fact that these shoes only weigh in at 5.2 ounces! I can’t wait to use these during my shorter speed workouts in April to see how they can help my form and feel of running a new pace! Hopefully come May 4th I’ll be sporting these bright shoes at the finish line with a new 5k PR!


New Balance Client Logo for Author ProgramNew Balance has the following mission: Demonstrating responsible leadership, we build global brands that athletes are proud to wear, associates are proud to create and communities are proud to host. New Balance is currently the only athletic shoe company that manufactures footwear in the U.S. with 25% of our U.S. footwear shipments produced at five New England facilities. To learn more about how New Balance Makes Excellent Happen, visit http://www.newbalance.com

“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by New Balance via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of New Balance.”

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  1. Alex March 31, 2013 / 11:35 pm

    Ha! I love that picture with the girl visible in the mirror 🙂

    I started using the Vibram Five Fingers last year but I think I ultimately want something in between the minimal and the super cushy running shoes. I really want to try out the lightweight New Balance. It’s interesting that you felt more stable, my concern is always the lack of support in minimal shoes.
    Maybe I give them a try now that it’s getting warmer in NY ( I don’t run much in the wintertime).

    • ashleyd March 31, 2013 / 11:50 pm

      Alex I find them more stable in that I have a wider grip due to the construction of the shoe and then feel more secure when I move if that makes sense. You definitely need to ease into wearing them. For example, I wore them on a 2 mile run and then for 2 Barry’s Bootcamp classes before I ever wore them out on the street.

      • Theodora April 1, 2013 / 1:56 am

        1. I am the girl visible in the mirror 🙂
        2. Tying these tighter also helps a little bit with support because of the burrito-wrapping construction.

    • ashleyd April 1, 2013 / 2:25 pm

      Alex, I’ve never used the Vibrams as they seem too extreme. I think you’ll like these New Balance as they are very much an in between option and come in super fun colors!

  2. Holly @ Running & Baking Oh My! April 1, 2013 / 2:09 am

    Congrats on the new PR, there is no better feeling! Beautiful shoes, in fact I just read Thodora’s review, I am going to bring this shoe up to my Chiropractor and see what he thinks about them and my back issues. They are so gorgeous!

  3. Holly @ Running & Baking Oh My! April 1, 2013 / 2:10 am

    Congrats on the new PR, there is no better feeling! Beautiful shoes, in fact I just read Theodora’s review, I am going to bring this shoe up to my Chiropractor and see what he thinks about them and my back issues. They are so gorgeous!

    • ashleyd April 1, 2013 / 2:11 pm

      Thanks Holly! I love these shoes so much but especially because the SUPER BRIGHT colors! How fun! 🙂

  4. Gia @ rungiarun April 1, 2013 / 1:11 pm

    I love those shoes too! I have them and use them for cross training. Absolutely fantastic, and how can you not smile when you look at them?!
    Love Love Love your new plan … lets make more PR’s happen!

    • ashleyd April 1, 2013 / 2:01 pm

      No joke pretty lady! Let’s make a 5K PR happen while still training for the half! 🙂 Miss you!

  5. Naomi April 2, 2013 / 3:57 am

    For the longest time I have been looking for a shoe that I could wear to bootcamps and other non-running/non-spinning workouts. I have been using old running shoes that have maxed out on mileage, but they are usually too big for bootcamp and gym workouts. I just might have to try these NB’s out.

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