Katie’s Second Halloween

Katie’s second Halloween was a wonderful evening filled with friends and fun. Our cuddly puppy dog loved every moment! Even though we were only out and about for two hours, it was such a treat for Katie who loved taking in all the sights.

We started the festivities in Cobble Hill Park where we met a few friends and watched as more than a thousand people gathered for the parade through the streets of Cobble Hill. There were some incredible, creative costumes but the row homes near the park were what really had us in awe! Just look at the decorations on these homes!


We meandered through the streets from Cobble Hill back to our apartment stoop. Katie walked six blocks, while holding Bo’s hand – a new record. We stopped to admire the decorations and say hello at a few of our favorite shops as they each had employees stationed on the sidewalk giving out candy.

Once we arrived at our apartment, our group of friends and children gathered on the stoop to enjoy beer, wine and appetizers while one person stood near the gate giving out candy. We opted to keep the gate closed so the kids could play and weren’t overwhelmed by the chaos. Similar to last year, we went through more than 450 pieces of candy in just 90 minutes! It was such a great way to catch up with friends while the kids enjoyed playing with ice, watching the costumes and pushing Katie’s toy stroller.

Katie didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so we took her to seven of our neighbors, where she was able to collect candy and say hello. Hopefully next year she’ll be able to say trick-or-treat but this year, a quick “woof” or “hi” was what the neighbors received instead.  Our little trickster kept trying to grab the candy from her older friend’s pumpkin and by the end of the evening, a few bites of candy made their way into her mouth.

We candy stash ran out at 6:30 which coincided perfectly with the time everyone needed to head home for the bath and bedtime routine. It was a wonderful evening and I can only imagine how magical it’ll be next year, when Katie is a little bit older.

Tell me: What was the best costume you saw last night? What did you or your family dress up as if you celebrated Halloween? 



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