A Day in My Life

So it’s Friday, which means in a perfectly scheduled world, there would be a Friday Facetime. But wait, this is the real world and this has been a really crazy week. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all been very good but it’s been a bit unusual due to some crazy insomnia and dreams. I had two nights of insomnia and one night of wicked scary snake dreams. That means that my days have been dragging due to exhaustion which isn’t the best combination for a week that includes a huge client meeting.

But, it’s Friday evening and I’m now perfectly situated on my couch in the most comfortable of clothes and have indulged in my weekly manicure.

Therefore, instead of a Friday Facetime, I thought I’d share with you all A Day in My Life, inspired by Katy’s post last week.

5:15 Alarm goes off the first time

5:30 Alarm goes off second and final time

5:45 Catch up on Google Reader and news for a few minutes before getting dressed for the gym.

6:00 Jog to the gym, cursing myself for spending those 10 minutes on the computer

6:05 Apologize to trainer for being late, enjoy an hour of sweating with Lauren, my personal trainer

7:10 Arrive back home and quickly dash to our second bathroom where I shower and get ready for the day (shower, blow dry hair, apply makeup, etc). Give Bo a quick kiss goodbye as he’ll leave while I’m in the shower.

7: 35 Choose today’s outfit, while reviewing the day’s calendar so I know whether to dress for meetings or just a day at my desk.

7:50 Jump on the 6 train uptown to 51st Street stop

8:05 Arrive at my desk

8:15 While computer is booting up, make my breakfast (oats, chia seeds, bananas, and hot water) in our mini kitchen area

8:20-8:30 Interact on Twitter, check personal email, and catch up on the Beauty headlines while eating breakfast.

8:30-1:00 Spend the morning responding to work emails, preparing for a client meeting, and providing feedback to our marketing team for the Fall ‘12 initiative plans

1:00 Head to Toasties with co-workers to grab my daily salad and enjoy the few minutes of fresh air while we laugh about the day’s craziness

1:15 Catch up with co-workers while enjoying lunch at our small table between our cubicles. It feels good to swivel my chair away from my computer and work emails, even if only for a few minutes.

1:30-6:00 Spend the next few hours the same as the morning: meetings, phone calls, meetings, emails, etc.

6:15 Convince myself that my muscles will thank me after yoga

6:30-7:15 I spent 45 minutes working out the stress kinks and focus on how thankful I am to have an Equinox with a block of my office and four blocks of my home. There’s a reason I have the full access pass.

7:30 Take the subway home since it’s before 9pm (I’m trying to limit cab rides to post 9pm on weekdays)

7:45 Walk through the front door feeling relaxed but exhausted and realize that I still need to make dinner. Cutting back on Seamless Web has meant that I don’t feel quite so guilty about my weekly manicures.

7:50-8:10 Catch up with my mom and dad on the phone while I boil pasta and heat the sauce in our fridge. Make a small side salad for some extra greens and microwave a veggie burger as protein. Combine crumbled veggie burger, drained pasta, and heated sauce for a quick and easy meal.

8:20-8:45 Catch up on blogs while watching TV and eating dinner.

8:45-10:00 Blog, respond to blog emails and comments, interact on Twitter and Facebook

10:05 Bo walks through the door, exhausted, but still wants to catch up for a bit. He convinces me to watch an episode of Law & Order SVU before bed while we talk about our day and spend a few quality minutes on the couch together.

10:45 Cut our Law & Order episode off before it ends due to exhaustion. Remind myself that brushing teeth, removing makeup, and applying moisturizer aren’t a choice.

11:00 Fall asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow.

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My Lent Focus

In the spirit of the Lent season, I did something yesterday that brought me some much needed peace and calm.

003 004 I headed uptown an hour early so that I could partake in Ash Wednesday services at St.Thomas Church. One common theme that I’ve heard over the years at these services is that the season isn’t necessarily about what you’re giving up or how many people know what you’re strong enough to give up for 40 days. In fact, Frank Allen, the rector at St David’s in Wayne, Pennsylvania said that he often gained more by choosing to focus on something during these days. Since then, I’ve done my best to take a similar attitude. Even if I choose something to refrain from during Lent, such as this year’s processed sweets, I try to take it a step further by spending at least five to ten minutes each day focusing on something.

Last year, I focused on patience, much to my mother’s pleasure. This year, I chose something that is even more important for me: gratitude. I find that I often move so quickly, both in my personal life and work life, that I forget all the amazing things in my life each day. Therefore, each day I am writing a hand written note thank you note to someone showing them appreciation for everything they do each day, near or far. Even though today was only my second thank you note, the few minutes of quiet, focusing on how much they have brought to my life, has been meditation like.

I challenge you to give it a try. Take five minutes and write someone a good old fashion thank you note.

Question: Do you participate in Lent? What are you giving up or focusing on this year? 

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Reach the Beach 2012

Twelve weeks from now, I am going to have the opportunity to spend the weekend with some of my favorite bloggers. No, I’m not going to a blogger conference or a meet up. Instead, I’m going to spend 24 hours with them exploring the roads of Massachusetts via foot and van during the New Balance Reach the Beach Relay!

Massachusetts - Wachusett to Westport

I’m looking forward to one exploring the back road of Massachusetts as I’ve seen very little of the state outside of Harvard Square. If only the elevation climbs didn’t have me scared shitless and intimidated.

Good thing my fellow team Off Balance teammates are rock stars and will certainly motivate me to bust my butt in training these next 84 days! It doesn’t hurt that our friends at New Balance believe enough in us to sponsor us for the big event.  We can’t let them down, now can we?

(awesome graphic created by Liz)

Our team includes:

  1. Anne of Fannetastic Food
  2. Sarah of SarahFit.com
  3. Patricia of Run Foodie Run
  4. Tina of Carrots ‘N Cake
  5. Me
  6. Bridget of Yogurt and Berries
  7. Liz from On Tap for Today
  8. Theodora of Losing Weight in the City, whose shirt is proof that Patriots and Giants fans can peacefully coexist… in a photo collage, at least.
  9. Gretchen of Honey, I Shrunk the Gretchen!
  10. Monica of Run Eat Repeat
  11. Ali of Food Fitness Fashion
  12. Melissa of Fitness NYC

As someone who still considers myself a new runner who is anything but fast, it’s exciting to be chosen to be on a team with the likes of a You Tube workout queen, speedy red head, and lots of banana lovers. Who knows, maybe during the weekend I’ll learn a thing or two from these amazing ladies!

I’ve already asked Chrissy, my relay loving guest blogger from last week, to do a part two about training for relay races. As of now, I know very little except the following:

  • Squeeze in at least one 2 a day runs in the weeks leading up to the relay.
  • Come to terms with the fact that you’ll be living in a van, squashed between other women, for 24 hours.

Until then, I’m going to start doing 2 a day run workouts next week and will share my training plan with you once it’s finalized.

Reach the Beach Relay

If you’re interested in forming your own team, Reach the Beach is already 80% full so you better act quickly! Check out their website because registration is filling up fast!  Entry fee is around $1200 for a team of 12 but the memories will be priceless! Charity options are also available for those interested in reaching the beach for a cause.

That’s all I know. This is truly a first for me so I’m hoping you, my readers, can help me out with your tips and tricks.

*Thank you New Balance and Reach the Beach for this awesome opportunity!

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