Green Giant Vegetable Challenge Recap

So, remember earlier this month when I told you about a little challenge I was participating in with Green Giant? Well that challenge has come and gone so now it’s time for me to share my thoughts and reflections.

1. Vegetables additions don’t have to be hard! I already eat a lot of vegetables on a daily basis so adding even more took some creativity. During the challenge, I did my best to mix up my salads to include more vegetables versus proteins, cheeses, and dried fruits. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t part ways with my beloved grilled chicken, hard boiled egg, or cheese, I just switched things up. It had been ages since I put broccoli, red peppers, or green beans in my salad! I really believe that bulking up my salad with more fibrous vegetables helped make it stay longer too! Keep in mind that raw veggies can add crunch to a salad just as much as that fun crispy noodle or crouton!


2. Get your soup spoons ready! These days, soups come in all shapes and sizes. You can find low sodium, low fat, high fiber, canned, fresh, and boxed soup in your local grocery store. In addition, you can find soups that have more than a serving of vegetables in each portion! I remembered this fun fact this week while fighting a nasty cold. Next time you pick up a can of soup, check the label to see if it offers a full serving of vegetables!


3. On the side…When we were traveling in Hawaii, it was easy to get in vacation mode in terms of eating. Words like, “while on vacation…or while in Hawaii” crept into our vocabulary very easily but luckily, within a day or two I caught myself and used vegetables to help control my eating. Plate meals are common in Hawaii, normally consisting of a protein and then coleslaw and beans or rice on the side. Many days, I asked for a salad on the side instead which was often free or only an extra dollar. While in New York, I often start meals with a salad to help ensure I get some delicious vegetables incorporated into the meal. If you’re dining out, check out the side options on the menu to see if there is a vegetable that you haven’t tried like sautéed spinach in garlic or grilled artichoke before going with the same old potatoes. Restaurants often feature delicious vegetable side dishes that are fancier than your average week night option.



4. Just chill As you guys know, my schedule fluctuates on a daily basis. Stocking any produce other than my morning banana and mid-day fruit is difficult as it often rots before I can use it. Therefore, I stock our tiny fridge full of frozen vegetable options. Sometimes I buy things as simple as spinach, broccoli, or peas to have on hand for recipes or just to eat plain. But, when I’m craving something more interesting or fresh & spicy I’ll try new things like Green Giant’s Teriyaki Vegetables or Broccoli in Butter sauce which tastes very rich and indulgent but it far healthier than it’s name eludes.


To be candid, I didn’t have the opportunity to try eating more vegetables at the office during the challenge since I was on vacation for over half the challenge and sick for part of it. But, I’m continuing the challenge on my own terms for the next few weeks. During this time I hope to try your awesome suggestions for making veggie bean “hummus”, bringing raw vegetable snacks, and frozen edamame for afternoon snacks!

Do you eat more fruit or vegetables? I’ve craved fruit like no one’s business since my trip to Hawaii. Just this evening I downed a handful of grapes, half a banana, and a mango!

*Disclaimer:  I am receiving a small stipend for my participation in the program and a few coupons for Green Giant products. Since my blog equity is my #1 priority, my thoughts and opinions will be open and honest. If I try a product I don’t like, you’ll be sure to know!

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Mucho Monday

Hey gang! I gave today’s post the title Mucho Monday because I have lots to share so let’s get cracking!

First of all, many of you have asked that I start sharing my weekly workouts again. Since I’m working with a training coach, I can’t share my full training schedule on the blog but for now I’ll do my best to share my weekly plans with you on Mondays. Does that sound like a plan? As soon as I saw this week’s plan I realized that the taper is officially beginning for next Saturday’s half marathon! I can’t believe it’s already here. I’m definitely a bit nervous since I’m focusing on a PR this year.

Monday: 3.25 Mile Run

Tuesday: Personal Training Session + 3 miles GP

Wednesday: 10 min warm up, 5x(1/2mi @10k pace, 1 min cool down between) 10 min cool down

Thursday: Personal  Training Session + yoga (maybe)

Friday: Soul Cycle at 6pm

Saturday: 7 Miles (run this SLOOOW – 20 second slower than your goal pace)

Sunday: 2.5 Miles Rec or Yoga

This morning I ended up running outside since I overslept. The run was frigid but luckily my hands were warm thanks to my swanky PDA Running gloves from New Balance. These are definitely an investment well worth the price tag as they worked perfectly the entire run. They kept my hands warmer than I expected and the thumb and pointer fingers feature Touch Tip technology which allows them to work well on iPhones or other screens AND a very useful fleece on the thumb for wiping your nose, or screen for that matter.

This morning’s run wasn’t necessarily fast but it was exactly what I needed this morning: energizing. I put on my new favorite playlist which consists of more Rihanna songs than I remembered existed and dashed through the streets of New York enjoying the crisp, cold morning air and thinking about the week. Here’s the playlist that kept me going for 34 minutes and some foam rolling action.

Leaving work tonight, I had two options: walk a few blocks to the grocery store to stock up on basics for the week or go straight home and order dinner. I made the smart choice and spent 30 minutes walking the aisles of the grocery store discovering a few awesome deals (Chobani 6 for $5) while catching up with one of my college friends on the phone. I stocked up on lots of fresh fruit, which I’ve been craving since I gave up sweets for Lent. I think I’ve eaten an average of a pound of fruit each day! I’m especially loving bananas, pineapples, berries, and green grapes. While there, I also discovered that they have a huge selection of Alexia Foods products. Thanks to the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I was able to use a free coupon tonight to try one of their products.  Their spicy sweet potato fries took this basic dinner to a whole new level!

I loved that a serving size was 30 spicy fries, more than enough to give this meal a spicy kick! I paired the fries with a salad and a veggie burger on an english muffin. It was filling and delicious while the fries made it feel indulgent! If you haven’t tried Alexia All Natural products out I highly recommend checking out their Facebook page for more great products!

Last but not least, thank you so much for participating in the Target giveaway! I was overwhelmed by the entries and wish I could choose more than one winner. But, alas, the sole lucky winner is Jenn thanks to random integer. Please email me your contact information so the team at Target can send you your prize!

Hope you all have a fabulous week!

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Safest Choice Eggs

This evening Melissa and I had the chance to spend time with the folks of Safest Choice Eggs and the baker behind The Cake Bible, Rose Levy Beranbaum.

002 The event, held at The Culinary Loft, brought together fifteen local bloggers and editors for a back to basics baking class. Rose, who is an acclaimed baker, was kind enough to take us through her favorite cake recipe while also tag teaming the many benefits of Safest Choice Eggs with their marketing director.

If you look at any of my childhood pictures, you can guess that I grew up a “bowl licker.” My favorite part of the cooking process was licking the spatula at the end or enjoying raw cookie dough. I was one of the lucky ones to never suffer from a stomach ache.  But, as Rose pointed out, many of the most delicious recipes, ranging from butter cream to custard, come with a risk due to undercooked or raw eggs. While I still rarely think twice about licking the raw batter, for some high risk people such as expectant mothers, young children, or people with weak immune systems, an indulgence like this is never possible.

However, Safest Choice Pasteurized Eggs eliminate this risk due to their pasteurization process.



They shared a lot of facts with us about the benefits of Safest Choice Eggs.

    · Safest Choice Eggs are pasteurized using a patented technology that has a precise time and temperature water bath to remove the risk of Salmonella in shell eggs.

    · Safest Choice Eggs are available in grade AA large, all-natural and cage free varieties.

    · Safest Choice Eggs have double the shelf life of traditional eggs.

    · All Safest Choice Eggs are sourced from USDA certified and inspected farms.

    · The eggs are from vegetarian-fed hens, and are hormone and antibiotic free.

After learning about the eggs, it was back to Rose and her amazing baking skills. As she took us through her favorite cake and butter cream recipe, she provided some great tips and tricks that any baker can appreciate, regardless the level.

007 010 Rose’s Tips

  • Break or crack your eggs on the counter for a cleaner break
  • Rumford Baking Powder is her favorite brand due to the use of calcium instead of sodium
  • Cake flour exists for a reason. Be sure to use it in any cake recipe!
  • Her favorite new kitchen tool is the Beater blade.
  • She believes in using both grease and flour on the bottom of any vanilla cake pan.
  • Always weigh your ingredients to ensure exact measurements.

Overall the evening was a delicious and informative treat!  I allowed myself to try some of her sweet creations, since they were homemade and not processed sweets, but I could only handle a few bites. Her cake was delicious and gorgeous but oh so rich!

014 She was sweet enough to share her recipes with us and our readers! Click here to view them!

Question: Were you a spoon or beater licker growing up?

Thank you Safest Choice Eggs for a wonderful evening of baking fun with Rose!

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