Humility on the Fourth of July

Sometimes we let friends convince us to do things we don’t want to do. In my case, yesterday around 4pm, Theodora convinced me to sign up for NY Runs Firecracker 10k. While I thought this race would be a great way to kick off the Fourth of July holiday, I hadn’t signed up yet as I was hoping that we’d be on our way to the beach well before the race started at 9am.

But, thanks to the Weather Channel’s prediction of storms all day, we had a relaxing night in last night complete with Newsroom, delicious homemade Greek chicken and salad, along with a few glasses of wine.

I woke up today at 7am with time to foam roll and stretch my tired legs and prepare my normal breakfast of peanut butter, banana and sandwich thins. See that green “real Coconut water” in the background? Gia recommended I start drinking this the night before an outdoor run longer than 6 miles. Unfortunately, I forgot about the water until this morning so instead poured it into my running water bottle to sip during the race.001I met Theodora at her place and then we hopped on the F over to Roosevelt Island, arriving with 50 minutes to spare since the subway system was working faster than normal. We killed time catching up inside the subway terminal where we were safe from the constant drizzle outside. image

At 8:35 we figured it was time to head over to the start line. That’s where the issues began. Unfortunately there was no signage for the race so we didn’t know exactly where the start line was nor the restrooms. After hearing that there weren’t restrooms from other participants we headed to Starbucks where we waited in the 20 person line in hopes of having the chance to use the restroom before the race. Of course not, that’d be too easy. Instead, Theodora and I headed over to the bag check area, thinking that was the start. Nope, wrong again. We were verbally directed over to the start where we waited for 5 minutes until the start.

image While the views were unique and Roosevelt Island provided a change from our regular routes, I didn’t feel terrific about the race. It was beyond humid and you could feel the clouds parting, knowing that the sun would be shining down on us at any minute. Regardless, I told Theodora my goal for the race was to negative split and keep an average of around a 9:35, starting no faster than 9:45.

imageOf course, instead I took Theodora up on her offer when she asked if I wanted to run with her. Why not? It’s been ages since we ran a race together since she’s all speedy these days. Little did Theodora know that going out at a 9:17 pace would leave me dead. While my friends like to tell me I’m faster than I give myself credit, what they don’t know is that I’m just starting to build up speed. Therefore, I can’t go out wicked fast, for me, and sustain it yet. This has been true in every race where I’ve tried it. So, long story short, this was a humbling race that reminded me that marathon training is here and racing season is over. I’ve set some new PR’s over the past few months and now it’s time to remind my body what it feels like to run long and slow (that’s what she said).

Would I do the Firecracker 10K again? Possibly but the group really needs to change a few things such as more water stops, earlier start time, improved signage, and more bathrooms. While it was fun to do a non NYRR race for a change, there is a reason NYRR has such a great reputation for running races.


Instead of getting down over today’s race Bo and I headed over to Brooklyn Bridge Park  to enjoy an afternoon of fresh air, sunshine, adult beverages, and gorgeous views. Our original plan of a beach day was cancelled due to the weather reports which clearly were all lies.


The one thing that was perfect was the company. We spent four hours laughing on the grass with four of our friends, including Bo’s sister Meg, and catching some wonderful sun and views of the city.

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The heat started to get to us after a while since there was very little breeze and no real way to cool off. But, things were much better once we took some refuge under the trees instead of laying out in the direct sunlight.


Last, but not least, Happy Fourth of July! While each person celebrates their freedom differently we found this guy celebrating his freedom to where and do whatever he wants in Brooklyn Bridge Park today!


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Running in New York City

A few times per week, I get an email like the one below from a reader, co-worker, friend, or Twitter follower.

Hi Ashley!

I a new follower of your blog, I found you through Monica’s Run Eat and Repeat blog from Reach the Beach race! Nice Job!

I am coming to New York in July, and would love suggestions for running in the city. I really want to take a run through Central Park. I’m from San Diego and we have so many safe and gorgeous places to run here. ANY advice is welcome! Its also my first time in the Big City!!


I love these emails and often respond to them one off, suggesting different routes based on where they are staying. But, I figure in addition to responding to the emails, it’d be helpful if I create an ongoing library of my favorite routes as I discover new ones.

Therefore, this post will also become one of my pages which will hopefully serve as a great point of reference for those of you traveling to New York City in the near future for work or pleasure. In addition, if you live in New York City, maybe I’m sharing a new route that will help you shake things up.

Two Bridges Run If you’re visiting New York or looking for a couple of challenging bridges then this is the route for you! You’ll have the chance to run through parts of Brooklyn, see the city from the other side, explore multiple neighborhoods, and get some quality bridge running in as well. This one includes a few more twists and turns through the neighborhoods but there are always signs you can follow for the bridges!image

Upper West Side Route: This route is one that I’ve done multiple times during marathon training and includes a scenic, flat path along the Hudson River via the West Side Highway, comes back downtown through the scenic Riverside Park and finally loops into Central Park for a rolling last few miles. Perfect for anyone staying at a hotel on the UWS or starting from Columbus Circle area.


My Favorite Central Park Route Sure this route doesn’t include the famed Harlem Hills which will leave you huffing and puffing, but it includes amazing views of the city from the Resevoir, takes you up Cat Hill, and allows you to people watch as you wind in and out of the paths in Central Park! Its a great way to see the park in under an hour, depending your speed as it’s a 5 mile route. The park is highly populated so this is a very safe route for anyone who is from out of town and worried about dealing with the traffic, city streets or getting lost.


Questions? Comments? Coming to New York City and want a suggested route from the neighborhood near your hotel? Shoot me an email or reach out to be on Twitter at anytime!

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NYRR Mini 10k

This morning I ran the NYRR Mini 10K for the second time. I love doing races year after year, especially when the course doesn’t change, as it allows me to see how far I’ve come as a runner during a year of training.

While last year’s race was hot and humid, this morning’s weather was far more pleasant. But, other than the weather everything was just like last year.

  • Too few port-a-potties for over 6,000 women
  • Lots of inspirational speakers at the beginning
  • Tons of girl power from both the cheering along the sidelines and within the corrals
  • An awesome medal at the finish
  • A PR!

Theodora and I headed up to Central Park via the Subway around 7 so that we’d have time to check our bags and use the restroom before the race. I ate my pre-race breakfast during our commute, a sandwich thin with a thin spread of peanut butter and half a banana. IMG_2819

By 7:30 when we arrived near Central Park West the area was already crowded. There were women everywhere yet I somehow managed to see Megan and Amelia while walking around, proof that even in this large city, I am starting to feel at home. IMG_2821

Theodora and I lost each other pretty early as checking my bag was my #1 priority and using the bathroom was her #1 priority. She was smart as I wasn’t able to use the bathroom before the race due to the horrible lines. On top of the bathroom shortage, Columbus Circle bathrooms no longer open before 8am.


I headed to the corrals after checking my bag and spent the next 10 minutes chatting with strangers and stretching. Today was the 8th day in a row I’ve run more than 3 miles and that combined with yesterday’s 6 hour flight back from San Francisco meant that my legs weren’t exactly fresh. Oh well. I decided early that this race would be my best effort and that my goal was for anything better than my PR and if nothing else to just enjoy the race as much as possible. In addition, I knew that I wanted to practice a more steady pace, which is one of Gia’s goals for me over the next few months leading up to the marathon.

From Athlinks  NYRR New York Mini 10K 2011

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At 8am the race started without a hitch other than the crowds.  The first 5k felt flawless. My pace was steady, the crowds were great along the sidelines, my music was pumping, and the rain held off. Eventually, right past the 5K point I had to stop and use the restroom as I knew I’d never make it the rest of the race. But, thanks to no line this was the fastest bathroom stop EVER! 

Mile 1: 9:17

Mile 2: 9:20

Mile 3: 9:19

Mile 4: 10:13

Mile 5: 9:33

Mile 6: 9:50

Overall, I loved this race and was proud of my more steady pace though I know I can still use some improvement. My legs definitely weren’t fresh and I think that on fresh legs a faster time is definitely possible. But, according to my Garmin I kept a 9:36 pace and according to NYRR I kept a 9:43; both of which are fast enough for a new, shiny PR!

NYRR New York Mini 10K
June 9, 2012
6.2 1:01:17 1:00:15 9:43 2970 / 6121 2970 / 6119 748 / 1406 1:00:15 50.3%

Hope everyone else who ran today enjoyed it and if you’re a local and have never run the NYRR Mini 10K, I can’t recommend it enough!

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