My Favorite London Spin Studio

Happy Thursday! Today is a bank holiday in Geneva, Jeûne genevois, a holiday which dates back to the 1500s and was once a time for fasting.

I flew back from London on the earliest flight so Bo and I could enjoy the day together. Or, I booked my flight without realizing that today was a holiday and thought I’d be going directly from the airport to the office. 

Charlie and Tom were kind enough to host me Monday through Wednesday night, even though I was in town for business. It made each morning and evening so much nicer being in the comfort of someone’s home versus a hotel. No time in London with Charlie would be complete without a few great workouts, including two separate spin classes and my final 800 repeat speed session!

Yesterday morning Edge Cycle, a new spin studio located in Central London, hosted us for one of their signature classes.  

IMG_2009[1]Cycle Pic 6

The studio staff was very welcoming and quickly oriented us to the space, including a tour of the locker rooms and the studio itself. The studio’s classes are 15 pounds for one class but also offers discounts through their packages. I love that everything is included in that price! Clip in shoes are included in the price as well as a great locker room. The locker room features showers, towels and REN toiletries, which makes it easy for riders to spin before work or a night out. The studio spin space was so fun, decorated with lots of bright lights to create a party atmosphere, perfect to wake anyone up bright and early. I can’t stand showing up to a studio and worrying if I have cash, pounds or francs to pay for all the extras. Keep it simple!

Cycle Pic 1

As soon as we walked in the studio we noticed the mats on the ground next to each bike. Our class, Edge Cycle Bootcamp, combines 30 minutes of spin with 15 minutes of intense floor exercises using the mat and hand weights. The staff adjusted our bikes, helping to ensure we had the best experience possible, while also answering questions before the class. Did you know that you can use the trick below to figure out how much space should be between your seat and the handle bars?

Cycle Pic 3

The class started promptly and our instructor, Belinda Shipman, instructed us that the goal of the class would be to push ourselves and give it all our effort. I think I gave Charlie an eye roll at this point as we both agreed ahead of time that we’d use the spin class to shake out our legs versus push ourselves. Little did we know that wouldn’t be possible in this class. I could tell that Belinda was the type instructor who would have her eye on everyone the entire class, pushing us and ensuring we were in the right positions. While she did ask whether anyone was new to spinning, she didn’t ask about injuries. Always make sure to proactively tell an instructor if you’re suffering from injuries.

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This class is the most efficient spin class I’ve ever taken. After a quick warm-up she quickly urged us to increase the intensity for sprints and intense climbs. They weren’t joking about the intensity! She told us not to be a clock watcher, which in turn made both Charlie and myself wonder why they have two very bright clocks at the front next to the instructor podium. We hopped off the bikes and hit the floor for a quick round of burpees, pushups, and compound exercises such as lunge curls and overhead triceps combined with squats. She would remind us that it was a short set and to give it full effort. Having a mother of 6 children who looks so fit lead the class is motivation in itself. I didn’t need much more to remind me that these moves, including the burpees, are beneficial for my marathon performance.

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Our next 15 minute set on the bike included a crazy intense climb and a sprint which lasted more than four minutes. Our final floor set focused on abs including moves such as boat pose, twists and planks. For good measure, it ended in burpees because you know, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

So, would I go back if I was in London or would I buy a package if I was a local? Heck yes! I’ve been to three different spin studios in London and this is by far my favorite. The staff was so friendly and helpful, the class was efficient and worked more than just our heart and legs, and the space itself is bright and inspiring.

I am already excited to return to this class or try another one next month when I’m back in London. In addition, many of the instructors are triathletes and runners so they are going to feature duathlon training this winter! How cool is that? They feature more than 25 classes per week including evening classes, starting after 7pm!

Thank you Edge Cycle for the wonderful class and to Charlie for her brilliant photos.

Have you ever taken a spin class that includes more than spin? What’s your preference?

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Geneva Triathlon Training– Goodbye June

June was a pretty great month training wise. I ended the month feeling stronger than ever! Hopefully this trend continues into July. Right now the month isn’t off to a great start after over sleeping by 3 hours this morning and missing my morning run along the lake. But, I didn’t make excuses and squeezed it in this afternoon. July’s mantra is going to be “no excuses” but we’ll talk more about that later. Now let’s recap last week’s training!

Monday: I’m having an issue waking up early Monday mornings which means tempo runs on the treadmill. I really can’t stand the treadmill these days but being able to squeeze in a 6 mile tempo run during lunch is definitely nice. My prescribed pace was 9:23 for the 4 tempo miles which felt tough but not impossible. Later in the evening my tired legs headed to the pool for my first swim meet! We did about 400 meters warm-up before the actual event which was the 100 meter relay. This meet was a huge non-scale victory which I’ll talk about more in a dedicated post but I can’t believe that just 4 months ago I’d never swum more than 100 meters!


Tuesday: There is a substitute teaching the 90 minute power yoga class this Summer and dare I say I love her just as much as our regular teacher, Patric. They have totally different styles but her Mumford & Sons heavy playlist was the perfect music when paired with lots of long holds, inversions and hip openers.


Wednesday: This 5 mile run included 3 miles of speed which was definitely a challenge! It was a speed pyramid with each interval getting faster paced. My “slowest” interval was 1200 meters at an 8:26 pace and my “fastest” interval was 400 meters at an 8:12. While these speeds weren’t as fast as previous workouts the length of the intervals made it tougher. I’m also finding that the 1 mile warm-up helps me get into the groove of speed work. Historically I often skipped the warm-up because I didn’t think it was “important.” Trust me, if you’re shirking on your warm-ups or cool-downs try focusing on them for a week and your legs and body will thank you!

Thursday: I headed to the gym during lunch to do some biking only to find the bikes occupied. Instead of leaving I hopped over to the weights area and did a 30 minute strength workout sprinkled with 5 cardio intervals. I ended the session with pull-up practice and arm hangs.

Friday: Rest day!

Saturday: I think I’m still smiling from the Mt. Blanc 10k trail race! It was seriously so much fun! imageSunday: The weather forecast in Geneva was 100% rain with the chance of severe thunderstorms and hail. When we woke up to the sound of rain we agreed that it may end up being an rest day or a perfect day to break out the yoga mat and pull out an old DVD. But, around 4:30 when the rain paused and the sun broke through we decided to head over to the pool. Things worked out and we had the lanes all to ourselves for an hour of drills. Bo helped me with my form and led me through some kicking drills. By the end of the session I swam 1,500 meters and realized just how much I enjoy swimming outside versus inside. Hopefully we can squeeze in more outdoor swim practices this month!

How was your June? Do you have something you’re focusing on this month to help keep your training on track during vacations or the Summer heat?

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Overcoming My Fear of Swimming

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you may have noticed that there have been a few swim related posts lately.


While I grew up enjoying long, hot Savannah summer days in the pool I was never on a competive swim team. In fact, the one time I tried out for the swim team I didn’t make it as I couldn’t swim more than two laps of the pool. Luckily, I’m in better shape these days than I was back in 7th grade. When I heard about the P&G swim club which meets at a pool near our office every Tuesday and Thursday before work my initial feeling was pure intimidation. Not only did I not want to get in a bathing suit in front of co-workers but I also didn’t want them to see my lack of swimming endurance.

Luckily, Bo and a few other friends talked me into giving it a try and after 5 team workouts I’m happy to report that I haven’t drowned and I’m actually enjoying swimming. The team environment helps motivate me, the sport is humbling, it is great cross training, and I’m seeing quick improvements since I’m starting at such a low base. In addition, I try to focus on my own swimming versus comparing myself to others. Each week I choose something different to focus on whether that’s swimming longer without holding the wall, extending my stroke, or breathing.

There are no flip turns happening any time soon but I did get to learn and practice dive starts during Tuesday’s practice! This newfound love is also what helped me overcome my fear of triathlons and finally sign up for my first triathlon – the Geneva International Triathlon which takes place in Geneva on July 19th!

Our coach, Steeve Brugiere, is an accomplished triathlete and serves as a coach for multiple local triathlon clubs. He’s agreed to let me share our workouts on here so you all can benefit! If you’re in the Geneva area or looking for a remote triathlon coach, check out his website, Be Fit Personal Training!

As you can see, our workouts aren’t for the faint of heart. But, I love that every workout can be altered based on skill level and pace. For example, on this workout, I finished 1600 meters whereas other, faster swimmers completed 2000M+. If you’re just starting out, I would suggest cutting 100 meters off every section.

Swim workout 

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know and I’ll work with Steeve to answer them!

What is your biggest athletic fear? Mine definitely has to do with my upcoming open water swim during the triathlon!

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