BlogHer ‘12

This weekend I spent my time between two places: an air conditioned hotel and Mexican restaurants. My BlogHer weekend started with a wonderful workout with Fitfluential friends at Physique 57 thanks to Well+Good NYC followed by a four hour long dinner with fellow bloggers at Agave. It was hands down the best part of the entire weekend and conference. I swear I learn more from my peers than I could ever learn in a conference alone. I loved getting to know Gina and Erika, new to me area bloggers, who were just as beautiful as their blogs!

Blogher12 collage

This weekend inspired me to think about how I want to take this blog to the next level. How do I want to meet my readers needs better than I have for the past few months. While my work schedule has been a bit crazy lately, that’s no reason to lose sight of my passion and all this blog has done for me over the past few years. The sessions I experienced on the Professional Track at BlogHer left me with a lot of information to think about and process. For now, the only thing I’d say you can expect can be summed up in one nice, clean bullet point:

  • In order to improve interaction with my readers, I will be more focused on comment response, Twitter and Instagram interaction, and sharing information via Facebook

Thanks to the ladies of Fitfluential and this weekend’s Video session, I thought that sharing my BlogHer thoughts via video would be more fun than a long, detailed post. I’m learning my way through video editing so they can only get better from here.

If you have specific BlogHer questions about the network or conference, feel free to email me or leave a comment!

Question: If you could hear from any living female during a keynote speech, who would it be? Why?

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Hot Figure 4

Friday night, Gia and I had the wonderful opportunity to host 20 of our readers and fellow bloggers for a complimentary Hot Figure Four class at Pure Yoga East with the lovely founder, Kate Albarelli.

Who knew so many other ladies would be interested in breaking a sweat on a Friday night? Maybe they were taking our word for it or maybe they checked out this You Tube video in advance!

Now, I must admit, that it was probably a bit risky of me to co-host a workout class that I hadn’t previously taken myself. But, I knew we’d be in good hands, as I took one of the first Figure Four classes when it originally launched at Pure East last May through Well&Good NYC! You can see my full review here but suffice it to say, I loved it and felt it took the normal barre class to the next level!

But, the one twist in store for Friday’s class was the hot part. This is a new addition to Pure which has been wildly popular due to the detoxifying affect and the heat’s ability to loosen the muscles.

At 6:45 when class started, everyone glared at Gia and me as Kate cranked up the thermostat. Within minutes we were drenching sweat as we started the class.

While I would love to tell you exactly what to expect when you try the class, each Figure Four class is a bit different than the next. This allows teachers to challenge regular students’ muscles daily in different ways and keep things interesting. But, I will give you a loose description of what normally takes place during the normal hour class while students sweat and grimace through challenging moves paired with an amazing playlist.

Dynamic warm-up consisting of leg raises, twists, etc

Quick round of abs/pushups/breathing break

Leg work at the bar (squats, plie, calf raises, deeper squats)

Quick round of abs/pushups/breathing break

Arm work in the center of the room using light weights (tricep, bicep, chest)

Quick round of abs/pushups/breathing break

Abs (done on a foam mat in traditional form, focusing primarily on form while targeting both abdominals and obliques)

Quick round of abs/pushups/breathing break

Glutes (lots of butt kicks and pretzel type movements)

Blissful stretch and cool down session

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After class the group socialized over wine and snacks upstairs in the Pure lobby. The space is gorgeous and very spa like. It was so nice to put faces with readers and fellow bloggers whom I’d never met before while catching up with familiar faces like Laura!    The generous Erica Sara even raffled off a gorgeous necklace for one lucky attendee!

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We can’t thank everyone enough for joining us Friday night and so look forward to the next event. Our goal is to co-host monthly events that will leave your muscles quivering while allowing an opportunity for readers and bloggers alike to spend time socializing with like minded people. Hopefully you’ll join in our fun next time if you’re based in NYC. If you’re not a local, I can’t recommend Hot Figure 4 enough. It will leave you feeling limber, lean, and humble. There wasn’t a single person in class who wasn’t quivering! Check out this link to enjoy your first class at Pure FREE!

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Stonyfield Organic Event

Last night, I was not in the mood to go to a special blogger event, even though it was being hosted by Stonyfield, one of my favorite companies.

I was exhausted after a long week, starving,  had a splitting headache, and all I wanted were comfies and my bed. Luckily, I had a partner in crime for the event which made it that much more appealing at 6pm. I met Theodora after a long work meeting and we headed downtown to Counter together.  I’ve actually been to Counter once before for a blogger brunch Melissa hosted right after I moved to the city. IMG_1824 (640x478)

As soon as we walked in, thirty minutes late due to traffic and work, I realized this was a formal event. I felt horribly, walking passed the very well dressed and poised speaker who had already begun. Luckily, we were only five minutes late and the group was very understanding of New York’s traffic and transit issues.

For the evening event, which attracted mommy and health bloggers, Stonyfield teamed up with Robyn O’Brien, the author of The Unhealthy Truth. The subtitle, One Mother’s Shocking Investigation into the Dangers of America’s Food Supply– and What Every Family Can Do to Protect Itself, describes last night’s speech perfectly.IMG_1826 (640x478)

Robyn made some great points during her conversation which each of us, students, wives, and or mothers alike were able to relate. She came across as very real and sincere. She admitted that even after she discovered the differences in America’s food supply, the changes didn’t come easy or cheap. She discovered, a few years ago, that Europeans don’t have the same health problems Americans do–because they don’t eat the same chemical-filled food many Americans do. Thirty-one percent of American girls, she said, are starting puberty at the age of 8 because of what they’re eating.

She pointed out that there are multiple ways to save money in your budget so you can afford organic foods. Here are a few tips she shared:

  1. Meatless Mondays is an easy way to save money since items like beans and rice are so much cheaper.
  2. You can find a great deal of deals on food staples in mass and club retailers such as, Target, and WalMart.
  3. Buy in bulk whenever possible.
  4. Frozen fruits are sometimes cheaper than fresh, especially when they are out of season.

She also stressed that change won’t happen overnight, even if you are single. Instead of stressing out over the process, focus on what you or your family eats most often. If you have drink two glass of milk a day, switching to RBGH or organic milk is a great start.

Also, focus on going organic with the dirty dozen, or those foods most likely to be contaminated.

  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Sweet Bell Peppers
  • Celery
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Pears
  • Grapes (Imported)
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Potatoes

On the other hand, these foods are the 12 least likely to be contaminated.

  • Onions
  • Avocado
  • Sweet Corn (Frozen)
  • Pineapples
  • Mango
  • Asparagus
  • Sweet Peas (Frozen)
  • Kiwi Fruit
  • Bananas
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Papaya

I should also note that while we were listening to her conversation, we had the opportunity to enjoy some delicious food. The tamari almonds and roasted portabella and onion sandwich put my hunger at bay during her discussion so I was able to focus on her content and enjoy myself.

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Thank you Stonyfield for including me in this very informative event. It was great to hear a new perspective into organic food from a very informed mother. In addition, it was great to catch up with Katie and Theodora, as well as finally meet Lindsay!

I look forward to reading Robyn’s book!

Question: Do you eat organic? Which foods do you tend to buy organic?

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