Geneva Half Marathon Training – Week 3

Hey gang! This morning all I could think about was getting my hands on a giant, Starbucks venti coffee. In fact, this is becoming a bit of a Monday habit.


I resisted buying coffee at Starbucks for the first 22 months in Geneva due to the ridiculous price but, once again, this Monday morning that huge cup of coffee was exactly what I craved.  As the week progresses, I should need this coffee less and less as our race week schedule includes lots of extra sleep, relaxing yoga, foam rolling and healthy eating. The extra rest combined with our pre-race excitement means the energy level will be higher than usual in our household!

Thanks to a strong few weeks of training, Bo and I are both looking forward to Sunday’s Geneva Half Marathon. Our plan for the day is to run together and really enjoy the experience. We’ve never run a half marathon together so it’s a fun thing to share. In addition, this is only his second time running a race in Europe, so I can’t wit to experience it with him. The weather isn’t looking lovely but the good news is that it’s no worse than the long run conditions we’ve endured the past four weeks.


Monday: An easy four mile run with friends is a great way to kick off the week. We chatted about our weekends and plans for the week while taking in a gorgeous Geneva sunrise. Well played, Geneva, well played.


Tuesday: I took advantage of London’s boutique fitness scene by squeezing in two different classes.  I started the morning sweating through 1Rebel’s Reshape class, which included strength & sprints, then finished the day with 60 minute open level yoga class at TriYoga.


Wednesday: Geneva’s weather last week was complete opposite from this week which meant convincing myself to run after work was EASY! It was even to convince friends to join in the fun. Mary and I ran four miles at a relaxed, 9:52 pace, during which we spotted the most adorable site along the lake. IMG_8937

Thursday: That gorgeous weather helped me convince Sandra to join me for her first speed session. A “new” runner who easily throws down 8:30 miles, she helped keep me motivated through the pick-up workout. After a two mile warm-up we did 1 minute hard followed by 1 minute recovery, three times. Then we headed to the toughest portion, 2 minutes hard followed by 2 minute recovery, five times. Holding a sub 8 minute pace for me is not easy, and in fact leaves me red in the face an feeling as if my lungs are going to explode. But, each of the pick-ups were under 7:50 and 4 were under 7:30.  I can’t imagine how some runners hold it for 13.1 and 26.2 miles. We finished the workout with a cool-down jog and lots of stretching.


Friday: After our yoga teacher didn’t show for class, I headed home and spent 60 minutes doing multiple JasYoga videos including comprehensive hip & hamstring reset and quad reset.

Saturday: The best way to get excited for an upcoming race is a perfect, final long run. This 10 mile run was exactly what we both needed. We followed Jess’ pace plan perfectly and finished feeling strong. (9:25, 9:21, 9:32, 8:57, 8:55, 9:33, 9:07, 8:57, 8:58, 8:48) We carried a bottle of water and took split a pack of Margarita ShotBlocks at mile 5, which seemed to be the perfect amount of fuel. Also, please note that we saw more horses than we saw runners during our 10 mile run.

10 mile long run

Sunday: We treated ourselves to deep tissue massages and then spent the rest of the day at home relaxing with the New York Times, Wild and a few FaceTime sessions with friends and family. I finally left the couch around 5pm for some foam rolling and 2 more JasYoga videos – quick hamstring reset and quad reset.

Total Miles: 26 miles                               Total Workouts: 7

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Geneva Half Marathon Training – Week 1

While I often workout and run with friends, there is nothing like a husband as a workout partner to keep you accountable. Since Bo and I working out together these days, each of our workouts goes in our Outlook calendars on Sunday night, to ensure they are given priority during the week. The goal for these four weeks of training, before the Geneva Half Marathon, are to focus on strong training so that both Bo and I can be mentally and physically prepared to run a strong race on May 3rd. As we’re the same pace right now, our goal is to run the race together.

Due to the insanely gorgeous weather in Geneva, I’m opting for more evening workouts. Fresh air, flowers, sunshine, and rainbows are the perfect way to melt stress away after a long day of work.


Training with Bo gives me a competitive drive to push just a little bit harder and faster during each workout. This means that last week’s workouts were awesome! In fact, I feel like he’s my secret weapon for Geneva Half Marathon training!

Monday: We drove nine hours back from Barcelona so this was a rest day.

Tuesday: We spent the easy 45 minute run catching up and enjoying the views.  I had to watch our pace to make sure we kept it slower than a 9:45. Jess continues to stress that each run has a purpose and a way it should feel.


Wednesday: I realized during this workout that I’ve never pushed myself as hard as I should during tempo runs. If the run isn’t specifically called speed then it was treated a different way – until last Wednesday’s 5.5 mile tempo run. My office is exactly 1.5 miles from where Bo and I met the day previously, so this was a perfect way to squeeze in 15 minutes of relaxed, warm-up. As soon as I met him we started the main part of the workout, 3 miles at around 8:30 pace, followed by a mile cool down run home. Holy hell! The 3 miles burned my lungs and legs in the best way possible! There were moments during the second mile when I wanted to call it a day. Luckily, Bo was at my side pushing me just a bit faster. Our splits were 8:30, 8:02, and 8:16 – not bad for our first tempo.

Thursday: Thanks to the idiot personal trainer, my 30 minute strength training workout, which included push-ups, planks, Bosu ball sit-ups, dumbbell curls and more, was full of spirit and energy as I had a lot of negative energy to work off during the 30 minutes.

Friday: We switched things up and did a four mile progression run before work due to our schedules and Saturday morning’s long run. While the weather was perfect, our legs were fatigued. I’m not sure if it was DOMS,  but every mile felt harder than the previous. The pace was supposed to be easy for the first two miles before ramping things up to half marathon and 10k pace for the final miles. My legs didn’t quite get the memo as a 9:08 was the fastest mile I could squeak out.


Saturday: The stars aligned during our 8 mile long run, and we both felt as if we could have run another 18 miles. I realize every long run won’t be as perfect as this one, but man was it awesome!


Sunday: We dusted off our road bikes and did an hour ride through the same countryside we ran through the day before.  I was a bit unsteady so only clipped in my left foot as the last thing I wanted to do was bust a move.

Total Miles: 22                                Total workouts: 6 

Your turn: What was your favorite workout last week?

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Geneva Half Marathon Race Recap

The Geneva Half Marathon was an awesome race and I’m so excited to do it again next year!

Due to the 8:30am start, Charlie and I were able to enjoy a good night’s sleep before waking up around 6:30. We got dressed, sorted through our race day essentials, ate peanut butter and banana sandwiches and sipped coffee before heading out the door.

We knew that the course conditions wouldn’t be ideal as the wind was howling and the temperatures were in the mid 40s when we left the house. Instead of second guessing our race day outfit choices we stuck with our plan and instead each added a throwaway layer on top which we could wear for the first few miles.

Getting to the starting area was easy for us as it is only 2 tram stops away from my flat. We arrived by 7:40 and within minutes were able to find the special area for corporate sponsor athletes. It was so nice to have warmth, bathrooms, water, bananas, and a dedicated bag check which we could use before the race versus sitting out in the cold. P&G did a great job supporting employees who ran in any of the races this weekend!

The P&G corporate team took a quick team photo before the start which was partial chaos and partial hilarity as the poor photographer tried to heard the runners into a single group photo.

2014-05-04_08-09-01_©kugulu 2014-Panorama v2

With a few minutes left before the race, a group of us headed into the corrals trying as best as possible to move into the section on our bib. It was crowded but we eventually found ourselves near the 2:00 pacer. The music and energy was amazing as people got pumped to run either 13.1 or 26.2 miles.

Charlie, Laura, Charlie Brown, Emily and I started together as they thought it’d be fun to stick together at the start, doing their part to push me to a PR. The girls and their motivation was exactly what I needed while we stood in the crowd trying to warm up. I decided to give my throwaway top to Charlie Brown who was shivering due to the cold. Stripped down to just my tank and P&G technical shirt paired with compression socks and Lululemon shorts, I was ready to run. Laura and Charlie told me to start my Garmin as we crossed the start but immediately switch it to clock mode. Their sole goal was to pace me to a PR and the only way they wanted to do that was by starting smart.

The start was super crowded and congested but instead of weaving in and out of slower runners, we moved to the right side of the road and just tried to find a comfortable pace and move with the crowd. Instead of putting my headphones in I let the girls constant conversation entertain me. Laura promised to stick with me the entire time while Charlie said she’d go between our pace and the rest of the groups pace, depending on how her legs felt. Based on the elevation chart, I knew the first few miles would be rolling hills but nothing too extreme. image

The first 5 miles were absolutely gorgeous and an area which I had never run. The paved road lead us through flower fields, horse farms and vineyards. None of us could stop smiling as it was so peaceful and relaxing. The girls kept their promise to entertain me as we enjoyed the rolling hills and tried to take our minds off the wind and cold. None of the girls shed their layers until mile 5 or 6, proof of just how cold and windy the course was. (All photos in this post are compliments of Charlie, Leah and Charlie Brown as I was too focused to take any race photos.)

farmhouseimage (5)image (2)image (3)

Mile 1: 9:49 (congested start)

Mile 2: 8:57

Mile 3: 8:48

Mile 4: 9:06

Mile 5: 9:10

Mile 6: 9:04

I broke out the Margarita Shotblocks at mile 5, chewing 3 right before the water station. At this point my legs felt great and I was so excited to be running with the ladies. As we caught sight of the lake I realized that based on the way I was feeling, a stretch goal of sub 2 may be possible. image (4)I couldn’t contain my excitement and started chanting sub 2 with the girls as we meandered through a small town. We started a steep 3/4 mile down hill just as we caught sight of the lake. We took this mile a bit faster, stretching our legs out and trying to pick up some time before getting down to the lake. The girls told me to spend this mile focusing on loosening my arms and shoulders and finding my breath. I did just that and started looking forward to mile 7 when we’d see our cheering squad which included Bo, Katie, Sarah and Ugo who is now a year old.

As soon as we hit the lake we were also met with strong winds. I did my best to maintain my pace even though the energy level dropped as we were no longer in new territory. This path along the lake is my regular running path so there were no fun sights or surprises. There were a few people cheering along the lake but I slowly found my legs losing momentum and falling a few steps behind the group. I took my mind off my heavy legs by starting to look for Bo. They were so loud and cheered for everyone in our group while snapping some great photos!


As you can see, my lovely P&G technical shirt was more than a bit short on me, hence the reason I wore a tank under it for Sunday’s race. I don’t think I’ll be wearing this shirt again as I was more than a bit sub conscious of it during the race and found myself pulling it down every few steps.

Mile 7: 8:45 (downhill)

Mile 8: 9:11

Mile 9: 9:23 (water station)

Mile 10: 8:57

We eventually weaved into the shopping area of Geneva, running down the cobblestone path before crossing a small bridge over the river and looping back out towards the botanical gardens. As soon as my watched beeped, signaling the end of mile 10 my body started to hit a wall. I took a Vanilla Gu in hopes that this would give me some energy and quickly walked through the next water station. I told Charlie and Laura that I was going to give the next 5k every ounce of effort but that I was feeling empty. We saw Jason, Leah’s fiance who gave us a big cheer as we passed. The smile on my face is 100% fake in this picture.


The ladies said that it should hurt as I’d pushed my legs and pace for the first 10 miles and this is where I needed to dig deep. In retrospect, I probably should have put in my headphones at this point but instead I just kept listening to the sounds on the course and dreading the next 5k. These miles went on forever as the road looped us down to the botanical gardens and cut back and forth through the town versus taking the straight, shorter path I thought we were taking. We also had two hills in this portion which I am sure were nothing on an elevation map but at that point they felt a bit like Everest.

Charlie and Laura made sure that I didn’t stop to walk instead convincing me that jogging was better than walking at this point. These girls were my rocks. Without them I would have never kept moving on at a steady jog as my whole body ached. I wanted to cry as the wind made every mile feel longer than the last.

As soon as we finally exited the botanical gardens I knew we were on our way back. We passed the hotels and finally crossed back to the Mont Blanc bridge. None of us could see a finish line so we didn’t know whether we had to run back into the park, where the 5k had ended the previous day. Suddenly I heard Charlie scream SPRINT. I pushed forward with all my effort, possibly moving some people aside who were leisurely making their way to the finish line. I was so focused on finishing that I didn’t even notice Bo cheering on the sidelines, snapping the below pictures.


Mile 11: 10:00

Mile 12: 9:59

Mile 13: 9:40

Mile 13-13.2: 9:14 pace

At this point I hadn’t looked at my watch since the 10k split. I was worried that the slower final 5k had killed my hopes for a PR but as I clicked over to my stopped watch I saw the beautiful number 2:03:01 – a PR by more than 2 minutes!

I was tired and in pain but so thankful for the PR. Deep down I started the day hoping for a sub 2 hour half marathon. Part of me was disappointed for a minute until I realized that considering the wind and my strong effort, I should be nothing but happy. A PR is a PR and I know that sub 2 hour half marathon will come soon – hopefully this year!

Our group quickly reunited in the P&G tent to celebrate multiple PRs and a great half marathon. Huge congrats to Ranald who ran a sub 1:30 half – crazy impressive effort!


All I wanted after the race was water and a banana though the rest of the girls were more than excited to enjoy the post race cakes, cheese, espresso, and dried meats! After 30 minutes or so we headed out to the lake so I could follow through on my promise. During the 5k on Saturday the girls insisted they could pace me to a PR. I laughed and said that if they could pace me to a PR I’d return the favor by jumping in the lake.


The girls quickly realized that I am a girl of my word and my legs were very appreciative for the cold ice bath!

Thank you to everyone for your positive thoughts, congratulations, and support during this training cycle especially the Team Naturally girls and Emily who were by my side for every mile and for Bo who was the most incredible cheerleader and supporter all weekend!

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