Geneva Half Marathon Training–Week 3

I can’t believe that my PR race, the Geneva Half Marathon, is just 47 days away! Life isn’t going to slow down at all these next few week as we have more friends coming to visit, vacations planned, plenty of work meetings and long days but I’m excited to have a goal to focus my energy on during the second half of March and April. It has taken me a while to realize it but after a long day nothing makes me feel better than either a power yoga class or a run. Even that glass of wine or comfortable couch taste and feel better once I’ve detoxed some of the negative vibes via a sweat session – either solo or with company.


I’ve been finding a lot of inspiration from Katy and Caitlin, two ladies who have balanced motherhood and crazy schedules while training and running strong PR races. I’ve dusted off my 10 pound dumb bells, bought a 10 class pass to a Geneva yoga studio, reunited with my foam roller, and reviewed the plan Gia has in place while keeping in mine that PR will require more than running alone.

But more than anything else, I’m looking forward to spending time running along the lake with gorgeous views like tonight’s sunset.


Last week I traveled to NYC for work while also making time to catch up with as many friends as possible. There were late night laughter dates over one too many glasses of wine, margaritas and guacamole enjoyed in the West Village, mad dashes uptown for out of the way dinner dates, and 8 hours of sleep enjoyed each night from the comfort of my hotel. Before leaving on this trip I promised both Bo and my parents that I wouldn’t compromise my health. A trip to NYC can be stressful due to the travel and burning the candle at both ends. Instead of coming back exhausted or sick I made sure to treat my body well while there including plenty of green juices, sleep and just plain giving myself a break. Before arriving in NYC my email chain with friends included 6 different workouts I wanted to squeeze in a four day period.

This week’s training recap shows my best attempt at maintaining balance while still logging some miles and enjoying a few of my favorite NYC workouts!

Monday: A 4 mile run along the East River after work. This run wasn’t spectacular. I didn’t make it out of the office before the sun set so I didn’t get to soak in any much needed sunshine. But it was strong, efficient, mind clearing and just what I needed before dashing uptown to meet a friend for dinner.

Tuesday: A perfect workout day, I kicked off the morning with a wonderful Soul Cycle class and ended the day with a 4 mile run through Central Park with my fabulous co-workers.

Wednesday: I finally had the opportunity to try I.Am.You Yoga studio in NYC with the lovely Jen and Meghann who joined me for the Well+Good class. The class was one of the hardest yoga classes I’ve ever taken and I was sweating after the first sequence thanks to the fast flow and strong poses. The instructor, Lauren, was 100% funky but totally in touch with the students, adjusting us throughout the entire class and pushing us further into poses. The music was loud, the yoga was hard and I walked out feeling loose, limber and relaxed. In case Theodora, who got locked out of the event due to a faulty elevator, ever doubted that we saved her a spot, you can see the empty spot two spaces to my left in the below picture.

Thursday: Rest day!

Friday: Bo and I caught up after a week apart over a 2.5 mile shakeout run through the cobblestone streets of Old Geneva as soon as I landed Friday afternoon. It was the perfect way to shakeout my legs after 14 hours of travel!

Saturday: What do you do when you have guests arriving at the airport bright and early but have a run to complete before they arrive and a house to clean? You spend an hour cleaning the house and then run TO the airport to meet them! We had no idea that the 6.5 mile run would include hills that never ended! The good news is that it was an AWESOME training run and I felt really strong the entire time!

Sunday: We spent the day skiing at Le Tour in Chamonix and by the end of the day I think I conquered almost every single run on the mountain! We skied from 9am when the lifts open until 3:00 when nothing sounded better than one of the lounge chairs and a beer under the shining sun. It was 60 degrees by the end of the day and the final few runs felt like “hot skiing” done in a warm, humid room thanks to my jacket and pants.

Your turn: I’m in the department for some new workout gear just in time for the warmer temperature. Any favorite items that you’re loving right now?

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Geneva Half Marathon Training–Week 1

Happy Monday!

monday dog

(pic source)

I’m definitely riding an endorphin high right now following an incredible trail run. Renaud introduced me to a new trail tonight after work which was perfect. It was challenging but not intimidating. The muddy trail provided us with views of the river and due to the clear Spring like evening I was gasping at the views of Mont Blanc.

ash mont blancmud bogging

Needless to say, this run couldn’t have come at a better time. I have chosen a new goal half marathon and Gia and I have one hell of a plan in place. We’ve already built in the ski weekends and upcoming travel to make sure that I can still log enough quality runs and miles to feel strong on May 4th.

Last week was a perfect kick off week. I enjoyed runs with friends and solo. I embraced the treadmill for speed and still enjoyed one rest day and one day of cross training.

Monday: rest day

Tuesday: 2 miles at 8:55 and 10 minutes of chest, arms & abs

Wednesday: Tempo run including 10 minute warm-up, 2 miles at 9:00 pace repeated twice, followed by a 10 minute cool down

Thursday: A deep tissue massage and 20 minute yoga for runners

Friday: 8 mile long run along Lake Geneva bright and early with a new running buddy, Lauriane, while keeping under a 9:45 pace

Saturday: 6 miles of walking through Lyon while taking in the sights

Sunday: 4 mile run along the Rhone River and through Lyon

This week includes lots of running Monday through Thursday as Friday and Saturday will be spent skiing in Verbier. I am excited for next week in New York City which will be a balance of running and catching up with friends during some of my favorite workout classes!

Your turn: If you had to choose, would you run through sand or mud?

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