2012 Rock ‘N’ Roll DC Half Marathon Recap


I could spend hours reviewing this weekend’s race in my head. I wasn’t expecting to run my second slowest half marathon on Saturday. In fact, as you all know, I’d trained for a PR of a sub 2:10. I could drive myself crazy analyzing all the things I did right, a few of the things I did wrong, and how frustrating it is to work towards something and not succeed. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t admit that it’s tough to see other friends finish a half marathon faster when they admittedly didn’t train properly.  (Picture compliments of Jess)

But, last year in one of my favorite posts, I discussed the importance of not coveting another’s run. Since then I’ve learned to support my friends and cheer them to victory, knowing that one day they’ll do the same for me. At the end of the day, one of my Twitter friends said it best

Chin up! Whenever I have a bad race, I think a couple years ago, a half- even a bad one- would not have been possible.’- Anne @rileduprunner

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A Cure for the Mondays

So this week should be all sunshine and rainbows right? I have an awesome half marathon/girls weekend trip down to Washington, DC this weekend. The warm weather is causing the cherry blossoms to bloom early which means the course should be even better than last year. That’s hard to imagine based on the beautiful day Ali and I enjoyed in DC last year after the race.


I don't think I'll be wearing my cashmere coat this year!

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These tulips may have been my computer background until November!

But, instead of the sunshine and rainbows, this is actually a pretty tough week due to some work stuff taking place. Instead of focusing on the negative, I’m trying to keep myself busy with my last few workouts of the week, lots of friend time, and of course some healthy, balanced eating.

In case, you’re wondering, here’s my workout schedule for the week, leading up to this weekends PR. Like that positive thinking, eh?

Monday: 3.5 mile treadmill run + hip stretches+ foam rolling

Tuesday: AM Personal training session+ Refine Method in the evening

Wednesday: 30 minute run outside at goal pace

Thursday: Strala Yoga Relax class

Friday: 20 minute AM shakeout run

Saturday: DC Rock N Roll Half Marathon!!!!!

Tuesday through Friday this week I’m going to be focused on preparing my mind and body for Saturday’s race. This is something that I’ve failed to do very well historically for multiple reasons but this week I’m making a very concerted effort.

Food: Tuesday-Friday will be a week filled with clean eating, lots of water, daily vitamins, dried cherries, and increased fruit & vegetable intake

Sleep: My goal for Tuesday-Friday night is 7.5 hours of sleep

Mind: I’m reading this month’s Runners World for lots of motivation and happy running thoughts. I also think making this a mini girls weekend with many of my blogger and runner friends helps make the whole traveling for a race thing more fun and less stressful.

I say that everything is starting on Tuesday because let’s get real, this Monday wasn’t perfect. I let the stress get the best of me today which meant that there may have been some Diet Coke and one too many processed food in today’s meal plan. My dinner may or may not have consisted of “bar snacks” and two glasses of Pinot Noir with my awesome Junior League committee members.

What, this isn't the dinner of half marathon champions? This blog is about moderation after all.

Oh well, at least when the long day got the best of me I turned to a phone call with my mom and some quality time at the pet store. There are worst things in life and as Theodora told me yesterday, you can’t frown or feel sad when you’re looking at friendly, furry faces!

How can you resist these adorable faces?

I hope you all had a great Monday and are looking forward to an even better week!

Question: How do you cure the blues after a bad day? 




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Easing Back into Weights

It’s Tuesday night and I made it home in time to do some light cleaning around the apartment, catch up with a good friend via phone, and make dinner. What a perfect end to a great day.

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If you’ve never tried Alexia Sweet Potato fries I suggest you pick them up the next time you’re in the freezer section of your grocery store.

This morning was my first time returning to the weight room post marathon. Last week, my personal trainer spent our one session just stretching me and helping my body limber up again. Today however was back to the grind. We spent the time completing a measurement session and then a diagnostic session to see where the marathon left my muscles. The month leading up to the marathon we started to cut back the heavy weights so my muscles wouldn’t be sore for my runs. Instead of using heavy weights during our session Lauren focused on body weight movements and dynamic training.

Since our last measurement session back in September, I lost inches in my triceps and abdomen and had lost four pounds! I can share the specific measurement timeline tomorrow when I have all the data but I was excited to see that our work paid off, even without the heavy weights.


I learned the importance of easing back into weights during today’s session. After an amazing warm-up run on the treadmill I was feeling especially excited about pumping some iron. After our first set of squats I asked her to “pile on the weight” because I felt strong. Luckily Lauren knows how important it is to ease back into weights because our heaviest weight today, still 15 pounds lighter than what I was squatting back in early October, left my hamstrings screaming. In fact, if Lauren hadn’t been there, I could have easily torn or pulled something.  I’m going to spend time foam rolling and stretching this evening so I’m ready for my run tomorrow morning.

Last but not least, I’m starting to get excited about training for a few half marathons this Spring. While I’ve already signed up for the Rock and Roll Half in Washington, DC I’m still considering a few others such as the Manhattan Half, Nike Virtual Half, and Flying Pig Half Marathon in Cincinnati.

If you’re a runner, what is your favorite half marathon and why?


Also, check out these two great blog posts both of which are incredibly inspirational in their own way: Dori’s Surprise Marathon and 52.4 in 48 hours!

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