Silverstone Half Marathon Training: Week 4

I can’t believe that it’s almost time for bed. Today was one of those brilliant days I wish I could repeat over and over! It started with 8 hours of sleep, a seamless commute filled with 20 minutes of Duolingo French practice, a few productive meetings, an awesome 4.5 mile run during lunch, a field trip into town with my French teacher where I practiced my direction and restaurant French, followed by a homemade dinner and a relaxing night catching up on blogs and chatting with my mom via text.

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While this week’s training is already off to a positive start after today’s solid run, I want to take some time to reflect on last week’s training. It was my best week of training thus far even though I didn’t end up squeezing in a long run. I know it seems weird that I can say it was a great week of training when I missed one of the pivotal workouts but sometimes that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Each of my workouts felt solid and energized. I felt like I was working towards a goal last week which really motivated me to get to the gym and squeeze in workouts even on busy days.

Silverstone Half Marathon Training week 4

Monday: 20 minutes yoga for runners

Tuesday: 4.5 miles of speed intervals on the treadmill before work

Wednesday: 4.1 miles outside before work followed by a 500 meter piece on the rowing machine

Thursday: 4 speedy lunchtime miles on the treadmill followed by a 550 meter piece on the rowing machine

Friday: 4 lunchtime miles on the treadmill followed by 600 meters on the rowing machine

Saturday: This was a “lightbulb moment” day of skiing. Things clicked from the second run of the day and the 3 hours of private lessons led me up my first black run and down many others by lunch time. I was able to enjoy an afternoon of skiing with the whole group – a huge accomplishment! The 7 hours of skiing flew by and I didn’t want the day to end!

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Sunday: Three of us decided to head back up the mountain on Sunday for three hours of skiing. The visibility was horrible and it was my first time skiing in less than ideal conditions at Verbier. This caused me to second guess my ability and have some lovely falls. But, overall it was still a strong day of skiing and my quads and calves could feel every minute of skiing by the end of the day.

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My goal for this week is simple – focus on the goal of each workout. When it’s speed, make sure I push my body as hard as possible and when it’s an easy pace make sure I give my body the room to slow down.

What is your favorite type of running workout? Zoning out and running long? Hill repeats? Speed?

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Brooklyn Half Marathon Recap

Until yesterday, it didn’t really register for me that I was running the Brooklyn Half Marathon. I’ve run this race three two times before and didn’t love it either time, therefore deciding that I wouldn’t run it again. Until I made a alcohol influenced decision in Puerto Rico for Theodora’s 30th birthday. She saw everyone tweeting about it and convinced me to sign up for it. I figured that it would be a great way to keep me training after the New York City Half Marathon in March and kick off our vacation since we leave for Istanbul on Tuesday.

Well, training between March and now didn’t happen in a very organized fashion. NYC was definitely my PR race and I put my heart and muscles into training, following everything Gia coached me to do and making sure to log every run. Over the past two months I’ve enjoyed life. My workouts have been consistent, still squeezing in 5-6 workouts a week, but they’ve revolved around enjoyment versus a training plan. In addition to enjoying life the past three weeks have been filled with business travel which has meant that workouts have been shortened and a bit different.

Keeping all of this in mind, I decided to go into today’s half marathon with a positive, fun outlook. My only goal was to have a good time and finish.


Katie, my dear friend who was running her first half, met up with me bright and early for a trip over to Brooklyn. The day didn’t start out too wonderfully as I realized around 6am that we had no bread, bananas, or peanut butter. Fail. I made a small thing of oatmeal instead hoping this would work. I also forgot to grab water in my haste to leave so I could catch the subway downtown. I don’t think there was anyone other than runners on the subway line this morning.


By 7am we were in the corrals, ready for them to close at the planned 7:05am in advance of our 7:30 start since we were in wave 2. I have to give the New York Road Runners credit for their choice of starts and planning. The start was right near the subway station and each corral had plenty of portapotties, at least in the second wave.


Once we got into the corral we even found Kristin, my Philadelphia marathon buddy. She is always such a joy to be around, filled with positive energy. Katie and I were laughing non-stop for the 20 minutes we waited.


At 7:30 on the dot these pink running shoes all started their trek towards Coney Island. Katie decided that she wanted to start out slowly since it was her first half and she knew she had the energy to finish but wanted to enjoy every minute. Kristin and I both were focused on having fun but were toying with the idea of seeing how much we could push our speed. We decided we’d start together and split off if necessary.

The first seven miles were absolute bliss. The weather was overcast and cool though definitely humid. Kristin and I were either side by side or right in front of the other. Since she forgot her Garmin I would tell her our pace at the end of each mile. The first few miles before entering Prospect Park were speedy for us, under 9 minute mile pace. Once we hit Prospect Park I remembered it’s hidden hills, especially since my legs had just pushed through a 28:30 5k which is faster than my current 5k PR of 28:49. My goal for the park was to slow my speed a bit and focus on breathing and my music. The hills are no worse than Central Park so I knew it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I took a GU around mile 5.5 since my legs were feeling a bit heavy. At this point I heard someone yell hello and saw a smiling Katie at my side. As she’d predicted, the slow start had worked perfectly for her and now in the last 7 miles she was ready to drop her pace. Me, on the other hand, had just run a 59:34 10K which was also faster than my PR of 1:00:16.

As I crossed the 7 mile marker I had every emotion going through me. I knew that I was on track to run a sub 2:00 half marathon which is my long term half marathon goal. But, I also checked in with my body and realized just how exhausted I was. My heart rate was far too high, I felt nauseous, I was thirsty, and my legs were heavy. I told myself to just push on, get my pace closer to a 9:45 or 9:50 pace for a mile or two and then try and drop my pace past the 10 mile point.

Within minutes, everything started to get hazy and my right calf developed a horrible charley horse. When I saw the medical tent at mile 8 I knew I needed to pull over. I treated it like a drive through. I registered, sipped water, took some Pedialyte like substance they had for dehydration, promised them I’d run walk the rest, and then headed out within 5-6 minutes. I am a smarter runner than I was five years ago. I know my boundaries and I know when it’s stupid to push.

Since I knew a PR was no longer possible I went back to my original goals and focused on fun. I turned up my music, started taking pictures, took in the sights, and enjoyed motivating other runners.

How awesome is this woman’s outfit and sign? She was screaming and shouting like a crazy lady and I loved every second of it!




I told myself that I needed to keep moving and not risk further cramps by stopping. I took the advice of the medics and kept a run walk pattern until mile 13. I would run three quarters a mile and then walk a quarter of a mile while also grabbing water at the fluid stations.

As soon as I saw mile 13 I knew that I’d made it. I had pushed through the race and still enjoyed myself even though it wasn’t the race I expected. There were so many runners with whom I’d chatted during these final miles – motivating them to keep moving, talking about the great weather in comparison to previous years, and just enjoying ourselves. In the final quarter mile, along the Coney Island boardwalk, I found myself so thankful. Running is a sport which keeps me guessing each time I lace up my shoes. I never know what the run will hold but I find that I learn something from each run and race. Today I learned to respect any distance, whether it’s a 5k or a marathon. I thought for a brief few seconds that I could PR without training and that my friends isn’t smart. I’m pretty pleased that my 14th half marathon was my 3rd fastest even with the medical tent stop. This has lit a fire inside of me for next month’s Oakley 10k! I can already taste that PR!

IMG_8603Luckily, as I crossed the finish line I saw a familiar face and reunited with Kristin who had also had a less than stellar race. We decided to end the day in pure joy by dashing down to the ocean for a natural ice bath!


Your turn: What’s your favorite race distance? I am a huge fan of half marathons, especially when I train for them properly! It’s a challenging distance but it isn’t as large a commitment as a full marathon!

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2013 NYC Half Marathon Recap

Last night, Bo and I prepared for the half like we do any long run or race: lots of time on the couch, plenty of carbs, water instead of wine, and an early (for us) bed time.

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We kept things very simple last night due to the fact that we were both working and/or on work conference calls most of the day. Boxed pasta, all-natural chicken sausage, jarred marinara sauce, and lots of parmesan makes for a pretty good dinner when you’re in a pinch.

Before going to bed last night, I spent some time reviewing an email Gia sent me with my race plan. Originally, when we started putting together the training plan for this half our goal for me was a 2:10 half as I haven’t run a half faster than 2:13:09 (SunTrust National Half Marathon 2011) since 2007. Back in 2007 I ran the Thunder Road Half down in Charlotte in 2:12 and before that my half PR was 2:07 (Jefferson Hospital Philadelphia Distance Run 2007). Therefore, a 2:10 would still be an age group PR for me and the fastest half I’ve run while in a healthy place. (I weighed 125 when I ran the Thunder Road and Jefferson half marathons – more details here.)

But, as we started training, she felt I had more in me and pushed me a bit harder towards the end of the training plan. Even though this round of training really only lasted 6 weeks due to lots of travel in January and early February, I’ve focused on quality workouts and have spent a lot of hours pushing myself at Barry’s Bootcamp and during my runs.

Her words were simple:

You so have this, draw upon what you have gained in Barry’s … go to the place that you go to when the treadmill is on a 10%incline and you are sprinting.

Our game plan was for me to start out slower than I wanted and once I finished the hills in the park I could cover my Garmin with fun star covered masking tape and let my body do the work. This would keep me from going out too fast since I had explicit directions to check my watch each mile in the park. I’ve killed myself too many times by going out too fast to do that again this time around. I also told myself that I’d practice the tips I preached to Liz which helped her succeed and enjoy her first half yesterday.

Since Theodora attributed her PR yesterday to sparkles, in addition to her hard work, I made a last minute decision to sport the same sparkly skirt that led to a was a PR accessory in Philadelphia this November. (Thanks Shannon for the skirt – it’s clean and ready to be returned now!)

The temperature this morning was colder than I imagined and I have never been more thankful to have a husband who runs. I convinced him to come to my corral versus his speedier group so we could keep each other warm with body warmth since New York Road Runners required us to be in corrals by 7am, though they never collapsed them as promised.

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It felt like 23 according to Weather Channel iPhone ap when we lined up but I swear it cooled down as we started running. I was definitely thankful for my good ol’ Sugoi lined tights and making a last minute decision to toss this Champion quarter zip over my Lululemon long sleeve shirt.

At 7:45 the two of us crossed the start line together and gave each other one last positive cheer. We both had goals in our mind: sub 2 for Bo and sub 2:07 for me.

As predicted, the start was pretty crowded and my body was pretty numb. I feared that I’d not feel pain due to the cold and therefore I checked my watch almost ever half mile to make sure I wasn’t going too fast. I also decided that I wanted some pump up jams for this race. With headphones in and cold wind blowing at my face I put my head down, did my best to relax my shoulders, chanted some positive mantras to myself, and decided to break this race into 2 10Ks.

  • 10K #1: Focus on my music, breathing, maintaining a steady pace, skip water stations, keep pace over Cat Hill and Harlem Hills, and stay relaxed.
  • 10K #2: Focus on finding my friends along the route (Laura and Beth), start taking water at every stop and walk through quickly if needed, remember to take a GU, cover my watch, and zone out but remember that at this point it should start to hurt.

Never ever has a plan worked so well!

Splits for reference:

10K #1:

Mile 1: 9:33
Mile 2: 9:35
Mile 3: 9:14
Mile 4: 9:22
Mile 5: 9:35 – Covered Garmin at this point
Mile 6: 9:04

I took a Vanilla Gu at mile 6.1, took a piece of starred masking tape from my band and covered the Garmin face, found my favorite pump up jam (Everday Birthday) and moved to the right side of the road in hopes of seeing Laura and Beth.

10K #2:

Mile 7: 8:52 (Saw Beth and friends)
Mile 8: 8:40
Mile 9: 9:11
Mile 10: 9:45
Mile 11: 9:28
Mile 12: 9:21
Mile 13: 9:23
Mile 13-13.4: 8:50

Clearly covering the watch worked as I let my pace drop into the low 9 and high 8 minute range. Running through Times Square was even better than I remembered and seeing both Laura and Beth was a great treat. I threw Beth my gloves as I ran past her and gave a huge wave hello. As I hit mile 10 my quads really started to scream. I feared that I was dropping too fast and after some quick math based on the time clock at mile 10 I realized that even if I used mile 10 as a rest mile to gather my breath and take a slower water walk through the station, I could still break 2:10. I did this and then as I crossed the marker to 11 started dropping the pace back to an uncomfortable yet sustainable pace. While I hoped to drop down the last mile a bit more than I did per the above, I gave these 13.4 miles every single thing I had. I fear there will be horrific pictures of me from the last quarter mile, exiting the tunnel, as I know I was making some horrible faces. I was breathing hard and pushing through just ready to be done at this point. It was so great to see some friendly faces (Jen and Liz) during the last push but after running faster than ever before I was ready to be done. 2013-03-17 09.52.38

I peeled the tape off after crossing the line and when I saw the 2:05 time I think I almost started crying.

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Damn half marathon PR you’ve alluded me for 5 years and now that I have you I’m more hungry than ever before. Who knows whether I have a sub 2 in me, especially during late Spring and Summer months, but we’ll see!

Within minutes I reunited with Bo and our friends Geoff and Elizabeth. We all had great runs to celebrate including a sub 1:57 run for Bo and a great comeback race for Liz who has been sick for the past week!

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In addition, congratulations around to everyone who threw down amazing races this weekend – there are way too many to name but it was such a great weekend for everyone whether it was a PR or a return from injury!

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