Defeated in Beverly Hills

Good morning from hazy Los Angeles! It has been a crazy 24 hours since we arrived. As part of my job, I travel to different regions throughout the United States during the year to connect with our teams and get to know the region from a business perspective. It is always a great opportunity but definitely makes for long days! Since arriving in Los Angeles Wednesday afternoon we’ve been going non-stop! But, we’ve also had a blast!

  • Dinner at an awesome local Cuban restaurant, Versailles!
  • I have successfully run both days thus far, logging 16 miles in total!
  • I saw the HOLLYWOOD sign and had a total tourist moment, shrieking in the car with my co-workers.
  • We dined at Crustacean, seeing Vivica A. Fox and enjoying the most magnificent crab ever! I can’t wait to describe it in full!
  • Enjoyed drinks in the swanky Bazaar Beverly Hills.

While I will certainly fill you in on all the dining details later in the week, right now I want to talk more about yesterday’s run. The post that went up yesterday was by mistake. I was working on it and then realized I only had five minutes until I needed to leave. Instead of pushing save I pushed publish. Ooops! Sorry about that! As I’ve done previously this marathon season, I tried to think of this trip out to Los Angeles as a challenge vs. a marathon training hurdle. I figured that if I embraced the challenge of traveling during the key training period I would be more successful in the long run. Therefore, with this attitude, I woke up at 4:45 yesterday morning ready to conquer the streets of Beverly Hills. Our very swanky hotel is located right on the border of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, therefore limiting the area in which I can run. However, my awesome co-worker was able to give me some suggestions after she saw my initial route I found on Daily Mile. The conversation went a little like this:

Let me see the route that you’re going to run tomorrow morning. Oh, don’t worry about it. I found it on this great running website so it should be great. No, Ashley let me see the route. You can’t just go running through the neighborhoods at that time in the morning. I need to make sure you’ll be okay. Oh hell no you’re not running this route. If you run this route you’ll definitely PR because you’ll be running the hell away from someone or something. Let’s alter this so you go down safe little roads like Wilshire and Rodeo.

Lesson learned. Even if you find a route online from a trusted website, always share it with either a hotel concierge, local friend or family member, or co-worker. Instead of the Daily Mile route, I planned to do a straight out and back down Wilshire Blvd which would take me straight through the heart of Beverly Hills. Thanks to the time change, I woke up at 4:45 alert and ready to go. I spent a few minutes stretching my tight hips, fueled with a Luna Bar, and headed out!


As you can tell from the pictures, it was still quite dark when I started my run.  My goal was to complete an out and bag 15 miler. My route would take me down Wilshire Boulevard, through the famous Rodeo Drive, and include a few challenging hills. I was happy to see that I wasn’t alone in my morning endeavor as other runners and walkers often passed.

The streets were lined with gorgeous, ornate lamp posts and overflowing hanging flower baskets! The first few miles flew by as I kept a steady 10:30 pace and enjoyed some running window shopping.

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Around mile four I encountered this sign, which reminded me that I indeed was not in New York City anymore! I felt like Julia Roberts or Shelly Long from Troop Beverly Hills should turn the corner at any moment!


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Unfortunately, around mile six my stomach quickly told me that Cuban and garlic are not good long run fuel combinations. I circled the Starbucks for ten minutes, awaiting the open sign.

After a five minute running hiatus, I started running again only to realize that this was not going to be a 15 mile long run. My hips were still very tight from six hours on a plane less than 24 hours previous and my stomach was in knots, refusing the shot blocks I was trying to use as fuel.

Instead of focusing on the pain, I turned off of Wilshire in search of new visual stimuli. I wanted to see how the locals lived, running down a quiet sidewalk through sprinklers, barking dogs, and power walkers.

20110922-093641.jpg A few miles later, I found Wilshire again and decided it was time to throw in the towel and head back to the hotel.

20110922-093654.jpgTwelve miles and a little more than two hours later, I finished my run feeling defeated, worried, and frustrated.

Why didn’t I push myself harder? What if I can’t finish the marathon this year? I have four more weekends of travel, what will I do?  Should I go back out and power through another three miles? What will my running coach say?


Plain and simple, failure sucks and the guilt we put on ourselves is even worse. It only took a few texts, Daily Mile inspirations, and tweets to realize that I should be okay with 12 miles. It wasn’t the 15 I’d hoped for nor the perfect Los Angeles run. But, I can still reach my weekly mileage goal and added another 4 miles on this morning, including one very speedy mile.

Question: How do you handle negative thoughts when you have to cut a workout short or miss it altogether?

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Marathons+Moderation: Guest Post #17

Hi my name is Ryan and you can find me @Ryanruiz on Twitter. I am honored to be Ashley’s guest on her Marathons +Moderation series today! Thank you Ashley for all the hard work and contributions you make to running, runners and keeping people inspired to stay healthy.


I come from a running family. My parents are marathon runners and continue to run today. I have run 23 marathons and I am running my 24TH and 3rd New York City marathon this coming November 6. People always ask me how have you run so many marathons, the truth is I love to run. Running teaches me to push past my physical limitations and push past my mind’s limitations. Running teaches me to be strong and at any given day or race it gives me the chance to be extraordinary. The greatest thing is you take these lessons you learn from running and you take them into your life and it makes us better people, friends, workers, husbands, wives, etc. In essence we become more fearless, risk takers and we get up every day with the idea we can do anything and make the day what we want it to be because running teaches us to be extraordinary.


Everyone has a story why they have decided to run. For some it may be the decision to get off that couch and tackle a 5k. Some are making the jump from the 5k to the 10k and many will test themselves against the half marathon and marathon. Some people will run a race to honor the death of a loved one, some because they turn 40 and some will run to check off one more accomplishment on the bucket list. The bottom line is as we run and train we go through the good days and the tough days. It is in those tough days or those last miles of the race that you must remember why you are here, what is inspiring you to be here. Let your story and the stories of others motivate you. Often times this will help you get you through the tough days and to the finish line.clip_image004


Balancing your life really is the key to great training and great running. Let’s face it, we are surrounded by a fast pacing world around us and trying to run or train for a big race with the demands of jobs and family and friends can be challenging. As I keep a full time job and shuffle time between family and friends I have a couple pointers.

Get organized. I have my training outlined for a race but then I always create a monthly schedule with important dates and work my running around everything important that month. In some cases I even make a detailed weekly schedule because sometimes things pop up unexpectedly and you must revise. If you have a run planned and something else must be done that day socially, be proactive and change your days around so you can get that run in and still be productive.

∙ Rest days are the best days to catch up with life and get things done. Again, stay organized with your schedule and schedule errands and life on these rest days. Rest days are essential in running and it doesn’t mean to sit around and do nothing on these days. The body was made to move so being out and about around town won’t hurt you on your rest days. Plus rest days are when your body will adjust to the hard training you are putting in. Without rest days you start to break down the body instead of building it up. You knock down two birds with one stone here.

∙ Communicate to your family, friends and your work. Let them know what this means to you and How much more productive of a person this will make you in all realms of life. You will be surprised how many people get behind you and support you. In some cases you may even inspire them to be great like you.

Running In Moderation

When I think back to my first training cycles for my early marathons to now I see huge differences. In those early days I was completely overtraining. I thought if I ran more I would get better and faster. In reality I was breaking down my body more than making it stronger. I also was not well rounded in all parts that contribute to great running. Rest, nutrition , easy/ hard days and core work were not part of the equation.

∙ Rest days. I was completely overtraining. The body needs to rest in order to make the proper adaptations to what you are putting it through. It is through rest that you become strengthened.

Nutrition. Too many runners and athletes underestimate the power of nutrition and the role it plays in powering your runs and helping you recover in order to do it all over again on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Nutrition WILL dictate how well your training runs go and your race performance. We are all made different and what works for one runner won’t work for you so listen to your body to see how you respond to certain foods and work with those choices.

Easy/hard days In the early days I was constantly running hard hoping to get stronger and faster and I was literally breaking down my body which will make you slower and make you weaker. Whether you are starting to run for the first time or training for that big race you have to show patience and let your body adjust. I was also running too fast on my long training runs and often times leaving my race out on my training courses and showing up to the actual race fatigued from that brilliant performance on the long run that didn’t count. Run smart and run your race on race day rather than fatigued.

Core work will make you a stronger runner and take you to the next level. The core is the foundation to your running and if you put the work in you will see your running change and make you fitter. The more fit you are the faster and stronger you will become. Put your time in and you will cash in on race day.


The moments that challenge you the most will define you.

We don’t run to see who is fastest. We don’t run marathons or races to see who wins. We run to test the limits of our hearts. When I stand on the start line of a marathon I feel like it is always where I was meant to be. Running has changed my life and crossing the finish line has taught me that when you push your mind and body through the adversity there is nothing in life you can’t do. Surround yourself by great people, positive people and talented runners, you will learn so much from them. Most of all believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to put it on the line when it counts. When you do, you will re-invent yourself through running and in life. Run with your heart, keep running and I will see you at the finish line!

Question: What is your running story? If you’re interested in sharing it beyond the comments section, email me to be featured in an upcoming Marathons+Moderation guest post!

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A Stress Free 17 Miler

Last night, after finishing work at 9pm, I walked through the door dreading my weekend plans. I was supposed to head down to Philadelphia via train this afternoon in order to run the Rock N Roll Philadelphia Half marathon tomorrow with Leslie.

When Leslie told me that her ITBand was giving her issues and may prevent her from running, that was all I needed to sway me against the trip. Even though I’ll be losing the entry fee, I’m saving $150 by not buying a train ticket and a lot of sanity. Every now and then I have to make a smart decision and think of my sanity versus what I necessarily want to do!

Therefore, last night’s quesadilla slice and chips and salsa that were shared with my co-workers ended up being the perfect carb loading for this morning’s long run.

As soon as I made the decision to run this morning, I chugged a huge glass of NUUN infused water and went to bed.

At 6:30 this morning I woke up ready to run!

IMG_4441 (640x478) In case you were wondering, I’m still not tired of peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

I debated what to wear since it was nice and chilly, my favorite running weather. I decided up on my Lululemon Groove shorts and my marathon technical tee.

IMG_4443 (640x480)This is the face of a happy and very stress free lady! I didn’t realize how much the trip down to Philadelphia was stressing me out until I decided against it. I slept wonderfully, woke up happy, and was excited to run.

I didn’t plan my run ahead of time since I thought I’d be running down in Philadelphia. With my Garmin on and my iPhone Run Keeper I was ready to go. I decided to challenge myself by running up 1st Avenue, part of which is on the marathon route. I ran all the way up into Spanish Harlem before turning over towards Central Park. The whole time I was running down Fifth Avenue all I could think about was last year’s marathon. I remembered passing the botanical gardens, each street sign, and the museums.

IMG_4444 (640x478) IMG_4446 (640x478) IMG_4448 (640x478) These cobblestones are harder to run on than you may imagine! I’m thankful that we have the wide open road during the marathon.

I turned into the park right around the reservoir and enjoyed a relaxing loop around the reservoir. I’m still not in love with the area but this morning the views were relaxing and gorgeous!

IMG_4449 (640x478) IMG_4450 (640x478) Even better was the fact that I felt great! I was around mile 10 at this point and was averaging a 10:31 pace.

IMG_4451 (640x480) As I exited the reservoir, I heard the lead vehicle warning runners to move aside. The elite men had already started the Fitness Magazine 4 Miler!

IMG_4453 (640x478) IMG_4454 (640x478)Their speed inspired me to run over to the registration area as fast as I could at this point in my run. I kept a 9:54 pace as I ran across the park.  It probably wasn’t the smartest move in the long run but boy did it feel good to sprint around the park!

I picked up my bib, stretched, and started looking for my lovely running friends who were running a few miles before the race, just like me.

IMG_4456 (640x480)Luckily, I spotted these two goobers easily. I mean really, how could you miss these two between Theodora’s awesome sweat shirt and Tina’s fanny pack.

IMG_4457 (640x478)We headed over to the corrals, meeting up with Rebecca along the way! At this point she had already run 16 miles, Theodora had run 8 miles, and I was at the 11.5 mile point!

IMG_4458 (640x478)My legs didn’t really enjoy the 15 minutes of standing around. That is the worst part of sticking a race in the middle of a long run. But, the best part is that you’re surrounded by thousands of other people and the energy helps the miles fly by faster than a normal long run.

This pace includes a 3:15 bathroom break which therefore makes me even prouder of this time. I ran the entire time, Cat Hill didn’t kill me, and I loved watching people as they clearly ran their first races; including Ali’s awesome friend who was rocking it when I saw her!

image After the race I was lucky enough to spot tons of my friends including Camille, Ashley, Rebecca, Tina, Theodora, Meghan, and others! It was so fun seeing everyone! After catching up for a few minutes Tina, Theodora, and I decided it was time to start moving. I followed them towards the southern end of the park and waved goodbye as they headed for the West Side Highway and I continued towards the east side. I tend to always exit the park around the corner of 59th and Fifth Avenue as I love the flowers and action in that area!

IMG_4459 (640x478) IMG_4460 (478x640)I had two more miles left by the time I left the park. To say I was anxious to finish would be an understatement. I kept looking at my iPhone every few blocks, hoping I’d see the number 17. Luckily, the new windows in Bergdorf’s, Saks, and Gucci kept me occupied as I headed towards home.

Finally, success was mine! Seventeen miles done in 3:01:38 (actual running time) which is a 10:40 average!

Too bad I forgot my key in my rush to leave this morning. Luckily I knew Bo’s 11am spin class would be over soon and he could let me in.

IMG_4467 (640x478)While I waited I went to Walgreens, stretched, iced, and sipped this new to me recovery drink. The G Series Fit 3 was far more delicious than I expected. With only 120 calories and 12 grams of protein it was the perfect thing to drink after this morning’s run AND it was on sale at Walgreens!

Within twenty minutes of finishing my run I was in my happy and very cold place! Hopefully my legs and itBand will thank me later for suffering the cold.

IMG_4468 (640x478) Now, my feet are ready for some pedicure pampering! Have a great day and enjoy some college football! Go Irish! Go Dawgs!

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