Marathons+Moderation Guest Post #17

Hi everyone! I’m Kali and I blog over at finishing firsts. I write about running, marathon training and living in Cleveland, Ohio. I am a certified personal trainer and have been a runner for two and a half years and started road racing two years ago. I’m really excited to be a part of Ashley’s Marathons+Moderation series!

I ran my first (and so far only) marathon in Columbus last October. After 18 weeks of training, I crossed the finish line in 4:30:31.

One of the first things I said to my friend and my dad at the finish was, “oh my God, I sucked.” I struggled through miles 15-26 and finished a half hour after my goal.

While I was training for the race, my whole life was about the marathon. I changed around my work availability, never hung out with my friends, didn’t drink a drop of alcohol, watched everything I ate and basically just didn’t have any fun while I was training.

I was completely miserable.

I had no idea what the words moderation and balance meant. My life was all about running and the disappointment in my performance definitely affected other areas of my life, like work and my then-relationship.

I immediately signed up for a second marathon in the spring, in Cleveland. My disappointment and lack of desire to train that I picked up after Columbus plus the crappy winter weather made marathon training the second time around even more miserable than the first. Six weeks before the race, I dropped down and ran the half marathon again.

About a month before the half, I realized something: running is supposed to be fun. It’s not my job, I don’t get paid to do it and my life is about so much more than the time on the clock or the pace on my watch. I’m a runner, but I’m also a personal trainer, friend, girlfriend, daughter, sister, etc. Why was I taking it so seriously?

In the following weeks, I learned to just let it go and start having fun. And it definitely showed. I ran one half marathon in Columbus the weekend before Cleveland in May and though I didn’t PR either race, I did run two of the best and most consistent half marathons of my career.

And when I started training for the upcoming Chicago marathon in July, I kept that same “it’s just running” attitude and so far, it’s definitely paid off. I’ve given myself time to hang out with my friends, not miss out on social events and even enjoyed some fall beers and desserts 🙂 I’ve enjoyed all of my long runs, been extremely consistent and I’m feeling very confident in myself and my abilities going into this race. I’ve even made a great group of running friends.

I’m not sure what October 9 is going to hold for me, but I can guarantee one thing: I’m going to have a good day running 26.2 in Chicago. As long as I’m having fun and doing my thing, I won’t be disappointed. 

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New York City Marathon Training: Week 11


There really isn’t much to say about last week’s training other than that while I didn’t log every mile I hoped, I still finished the week feeling strong and proud.

  • I ran every day I was in Los Angeles: 12 miles, 3 miles, and 4 miles!
  • I packed my stick and used it religiously each night!

This morning, even though my body thought it was 3am, I woke up bright and early to log a quick run this morning! Between yawns the miles passed quickly and smoothly even though I was on a treadmill. Throughout the day, the jet lag and lack of proper eating over the past few days caught up with me. Mid-day I found myself mindlessly snacking with my co-workers and I drank more soda than water today! What can I say? I’m human!

IMG_4594 IMG_4565Week 11 Actual: September 19th-September 25th

Monday: 3.5 basic run with striders

Tuesday: personal training

Wednesday: 4.5 mile speed workout including 6 sets of pickups+ personal training session

Thursday: 12 mile long run in Beverly Hills

Friday: 3 mile recovery run+10 minutes yoga/stretching

Saturday: 3.75 mile tempo run in Beverly Hills

Sunday: rest day

Total mileage: 27 miles

My goals for this week’s training include mileage and health goals alike.

  • Log every mile on my training plan.
  • Forego sweets until Saturday after my long run.
  • Focus on drinking water versus soda this week, especially since I received a pack of Crystal Light Pure to sample!

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  • Bring plenty of fuel for my long run down in Charleston.

Week 12 Plan: September 26th-October 2nd

Monday: 3.25 mile basic run

Tuesday: personal training session+ 2 miles basic run

Wednesday: 7 mile speed workout including 6 sets of 800 meter sprints (8:20 pace)

Thursday: personal training session+ possible yoga

Friday: rest day/travel day

Saturday: 17-20 miles with friends in Charleston

Sunday: 3-4 mile recovery run in Charleston

Total mileage: 31-32 miles

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Just Get Out and Run

A reader recently left a comment on my blog which provided the perfect inspiration this afternoon.

“Bloggers over complicate runs with all their pictures, hype, Camel Baks, phones, and shit.”

While this comment was a vast generalization and a bit curt, it is true sometimes. After four very long days of work out in Los Angeles, I needed to relax this afternoon. I could have slept, read, enjoyed a massage, or laid by the pool. Instead, I switched into running clothes, tied my shoes, grabbed my room key and a few dollars cash, and head out the door. I left my phone, iPod, and Garmin behind.

I focused on my surroundings while putting one foot in front of the other for 3.75 miles!

It felt amazing and quite free to disconnect and enjoy the run. Sometimes we all just need to get out and run- gear free!


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