Friday Favorites – All Things Running


Last night, while finishing my speed intervals, I realized that I have lots of running related things to share with you guys. Therefore, I figured it’d be a fun twist to focus this week’s Friday Favorites on just that – all things running! I hope you guys enjoy!

Something to Think About

Jess recent blog post resonates with me as this is a hard thing to realize for so many of us. Are you willing to give 100% to achieve your running goals?

Inspiration in the form of Boston Marathon

Having a hard time finding inspiration for this weekend’s workouts? This incredible runner has muscular dystrophy and STILL finished the Boston Marathon!

Tina threw down negatives splits for each of the 26.2 miles AND improved her marathon time by 11 minutes!

Sarah earned her sub 4 goal with lots of mantras and positive thoughts, even when the going got tough!

Janae ran an incredible 3:12 marathon, just a year after injury!

Michele set a new PR after six years of training and heartbreak. Her recap gave me chills and I couldn’t happier for her!

Dani may not have set a new PR, but I love her honest thoughts on this year’s 4:12 marathon, which is still more than an hour and a half improvement from her first marathon!

Rachel summarized Boston as not her fastest but definitely the most memorable. That in itself is reason enough for me to have Boston on my list of races I hope to run eventually!

This father of 2 led the Boston Marathon during the first mile!


Are you spending enough time with your foam roller? This quick video will help you get familiar with the best foam rolling moves for runners.

Add a scoop of protein powder to this delicious Orange Julius recipe and you have the perfect summer recovery smoothie!


As part of the Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon ambassadorship, the gang at New Balance provided each of us with training gear. In addition to the gear they gave to us, I bought some additional pieces during the New Balance Fashion Fitness Expo.


Over the past month, I’ve practically lived in much of this gear! These pieces, especially the tank and shoes, have become my go to gear for just about any activity outside of work. I wanted to provide you with a quick review of my favorite pieces.


New Balance Fresh Foam Boracay – These shoes are lightweight while still providing wonderful cushion and support, thanks to the foam sole.  The line features vibrant colors, such as the blue and yellow ones I chose. Due to their lighter weight, I prefer them for shorter runs and speed workouts versus my Mizuno Wave Riders. I am still not accustomed to running longer distances in them, as I find my calves and legs feel the runs more the next day.  However, the more I run in them, the more I grow accustomed to the responsive shoe. We’ll see how things go, but this shoe may quickly become my shoe of choice for all distances! 

New Balance Ice Short Sleeve Shirt – The technology New Balance uses in their Ice line continues to amaze me. As you all know, I sweat A LOT! Any shirt that can keep me cool and comfortable during an afternoon workout is a win in my book. The dark blue color hides my sweat while the loose cut ensures that there is no chafing or sticky mess.

New Balance Impact 3” Short – (similar ones on super sale here and here) – The last thing I want while running is a short that hikes up, gets stuck in awkward places, or moves around. Instead, I typically order shorts a size larger so they are loose and airy. These shorts combine loose leg openings with a wide, comfortable waist band which means there is zero tugging during workouts. Even though they were brand new, I wore these during the half and immediately fell in love! The pocket is large enough to hold fuel and the wide leg openings kept things fresh and ventilated.

New Balance Ice Graphic Tank – This tank uses the same Ice technology so I am cool and dry, even during the toughest workouts like 1Rebel. It is so light that I forget I’m wearing it!  The comfortable material is loose enough that it doesn’t stick or chafe, while the bright color is feminine and flattering.

What running gear are you loving right now?

Friday Favorite posts sometime include a few affiliate links.

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New Balance Fashion Fitness Expo

After a visit to the expo, flat Ashley and flat Deborah are ready for 13.1 fun-filled miles tomorrow!

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I enjoyed some sunshine and humidity during a quick, easy two mile shake out run this morning. Any run that includes palm trees, majestic live oaks and sunshine is a great run.  I used the run as an opportunity to take my New Balance gear for a test run before tomorrow’s race. My mom and I are both wearing hot pink so it’ll be easier for our spectators to spot us amongst the other 2,500 women!

IMG_8024After a quick breakfast we headed downtown for a quick coffee and expo date. Mom and I love The Collins Quarter’s walk-up coffee bar which includes more than twenty delicious drink options ranging from their specialty, the lavender mocha latte to cold pressed coffee.

The Collins Quarter coffee barThe Collins Quarter

Coffee in hand, we crossed the street towards the race expo which was held at the Hilton Savannah DeSoto hotel. Unlike any expo I’ve visited, this expo was aptly named the New Balance Fashion Fitness Expo.


Our first priority was picking up our bibs. As this was mom’s first race expo experience, we had a blast going by all the booths and talking with the volunteers. Everyone was very supportive, helpful and knowledgeable! The swag for this race is not your usual t-shirt or technical t-shirt. Instead, each woman receives an awesome New Balance gym bag! With four outside pockets, one outside zip pocket, and an inside zipper this bag is the perfect gym bag! The gray color and fun purple and green detail put a feminine spin on it. All you heard near the bag pick-up was shouts of glee and lots of compliments!


Our next stop was the Corona and Natalie’s juice booth where they checked our identification before giving us post-race wristbands so we can enjoy mimosas or beers after 13.1 miles!


There were booths from all of the sponsors including Fleet Feet Savannah, Leopold’s Ice Cream, Publix, St. Joseph’s Candler, Savannah Bee Company, Byrd’s Cookies and Optim Orthopedics. Fleet Feet allowed visitors to spin for prizes and discounts while Optim Orthopedics gave runners race kits including Sport Beans, lip balm, and blister kits!

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Within the expo, New Balance dedicated a section to their expansive women’s wear including Publix Savannah Half branded items and pieces from their yoga, lifestyle and running lines. There was so many adorable pieces that mom nor I could resist buying a few pieces of branded gear.  The local touches including a New Balance fountain of shoe laces and shoes, which looks like our iconic Forsyth Park Fountain and cobble stone walkways and artificial grass. IMG_8049

I had the chance to catch up with my New Balance friends who were kind enough to send me home with a new pair of Fresh Foam Boracay shoes as part of our race ambassador partnership. The New Balance and Fleet Feet Savannah staff working the expo were absolutely wonderful today. Everyone was very helpful, happy to answer questions and look for sizes while also explaining the difference between their many lines of apparel and shoes. My mom snagged a pair of the New Balance Well2Go flats which will be perfect for their Europe adventures next month!

IMG_8045Just as we were leaving I saw two friendly brunettes, Claudia and Victoria, who are also race ambassadors! These lovely ladies are integral parts of the Savannah running community and have been huge supporters of this race on a local level. Victoria is pacing the 3:00 run/walk group tomorrow. IMG_8047

After the expo Mom and I enjoyed a celebratory birthday lunch. We met Ryan, Madeline and my dad at Lili’s on Wilmington Island to catch up with my brother and his girlfriend while celebrating her birthday.  The seared shrimp salad is my new favorite. Filled with tasty shrimp, fresh blueberries, couscous, feta cheese, and crushed pecans this salad will fill you up and cover all the taste buds!

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What’s Next?


Two weeks ago, I crushed my half marathon goal and set a new personal record (PR) during the NYC Half Marathon. It was a wonderful day that reminded me just how much I love running!


Even though you’d think this runner’s high would make me want to sign up for every single race in the metro area to continue pushing myself, I’ve actually experienced the opposite. I decided it was time to take a break from training and spend two weeks doing whatever workout I found myself in the mood to experience that day. Therefore, my evenings or mornings have been filled with yoga, Barry’s Bootcamp, and Uplift Fitness classes. I’ve loved gaining a new appreciation for yoga through the month unlimited pass I bought at Laughing Lotus. Both Barry’s Bootcamp and Uplift have allowed me to combine great music, super sweaty workouts, and friends while pushing my body. In order to break through a bit of the plateau I was feeling I’ve started increasing the weight I use in both of these classes having now moved up to primarily using 15 pound weights for all arm workouts, even tricep work!


However, now that my legs have had a break from running for two weeks, they are anxious to get back into training. Yesterday during the run portion of Barry’s Bootcamp I found myself pushing the speed in ways that I haven’t done previously just for the sole purpose of feeling my stride again. After reviewing my race calendar along with the New York Road Runners and NYC Runs calendar, I’m excited to focus on speed for the next few weeks. On May 4th I’m running The Run for Hope, a local 5k race down in Battery Park City hosted by high school children. I love the idea of supporting a local school since I remember working for hours to fundraise during high school and am hoping that the route will include scenic views of the Statue of Liberty and the Hudson River!  Therefore the month of April will be all about speed! I look forward to working with Gia to incorporate more speedwork into my weekly running schedule while we still balance the strength work that I’ve been loving through group workout classes and weekly long runs to ensure that I’m still in half marathon shape come May 18th when we head out to Brooklyn with a number of our other running friends for the New York Road Runners Brooklyn Half. It’s been two years since I ran this race and while I’m not looking to set another half marathon PR, I would like to improve my course time which is a 2:20:44.

Luckily, to help with this new speed training, I have a new lightweight pair of shoes to incorporate into my shorter workouts. The New Balance Minimus 10V2 feature a Vibram out sole,  which makes them last longer along with odor resistant interior, and hot pink laces!  I love how bright and fun the shoes are while still being supportive and good entry point to minimal running without being as extreme as some other options on the market. With a 4mm drop the shoe will help improve my running form and feel running in a whole different manner.


I’ve tried the shoes out three times in 2 different environments: on the treadmill during Barry’s Bootcamp sprints and at Uplift. My feet felt no pain during either workouts even though one of the Barry’s Bootcamp classes included 3.5 miles of treadmill running. While on the incline I felt like I had a stronger grip and was more stable while on the sprints my feet felt lighter due to the fact that these shoes only weigh in at 5.2 ounces! I can’t wait to use these during my shorter speed workouts in April to see how they can help my form and feel of running a new pace! Hopefully come May 4th I’ll be sporting these bright shoes at the finish line with a new 5k PR!


New Balance Client Logo for Author ProgramNew Balance has the following mission: Demonstrating responsible leadership, we build global brands that athletes are proud to wear, associates are proud to create and communities are proud to host. New Balance is currently the only athletic shoe company that manufactures footwear in the U.S. with 25% of our U.S. footwear shipments produced at five New England facilities. To learn more about how New Balance Makes Excellent Happen, visit

“Disclosure: Compensation was provided by New Balance via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of New Balance.”

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