Holy Hills

I forgot how hill Atlanta is.

This morning after seven glorious hours of sleep I headed out for an hour run. My only running option was to leave their development and run down up Lenox Road towards the mall.

Mile 1: 9:45 (conquered 2 hills, feeling good)

Mile 2: 10:10 (humidity, hills, more hills)

Mile 3: 9:30 (ran circles around Lenox Mall just to find some flat space)

Mile 4: 10:05 (hills but more downhill this time)

Mile 5: 10:00 (can I please be done? It’s hot, humid, and muggy)

Total: 54 sweaty minutes

This area of Atlanta has done a great job including sidewalks everywhere! I never once had to run on the street or worry about cars. It was actually fun running around the mall as there was a track club doing sprints in the parking lot!

I was sweaty and my hips were tight when I finished due to the hills but I felt energized and proud of myself for keeping healthy while on vacation!

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Thank you Lululemon for keeping me somewhat cool due to your amazing tanks, sports bras, and tights. Without you I’d be miserable!


After stretching and a nice cool shower Meghan and I chatted over a delicious, cold bowl of cereal. I don’t eat cereal much but when I do it certainly hits the spot. This bowl was a mix of Kashi Whole Wheat Bisquits Cinnamon Harvest Squares and Quaker Oat Squares. My muscles were also thankful for the banana that I sliced and added to the top. Potassium does a body good! I highly recommend both cereals. They were crunchy, cinnamon, and filling.

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Now we’re off to meet up with our other friends for either a day of shopping or laying by the pool. I hope the sun allows for the latter.

VEGA GOOD GIVEAWAY WINNER: Congrats Nicole!! You were lucky number 6!

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I am so excited it’s Friday!! In less than 12 hours I’ll be reunited with my college roommate whom I haven’t seen since our wedding! (senior year picture with the bulldog in Athens, GA)

This weekend our friend Alison is getting married in Gainesville and it’s definitely turned into a mini reunion weekend. That’s the best thing about weddings! You get to see all your great friends and dance the night away together.


Before packing this morning I did a five mile tempo run. Here are the stats:

1 mile warmup 6.0 mph

3 miles at 6.2-6.3

1 mile cool down at 6.0 mph

It felt really good and I’m excited that I’ve been able to run 17 miles so far this week pain free!


This morning’s breakfast was delicious and filling as I was starving by 8:30!

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This bowl was more fun than normal. I spiced it up with some added ingredients.

1 nectarine (1 pt)

1/4 c Fage 0% (.5 pt)

2 Tbsp flax seed (2 pt)

Weight Watchers Vanilla Almond Oats (2 pt)

Holy yum! I forgot how much I love nectarines. What are your favorite summer oatmeal additions?

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Holy Humidity

It has definitely cooled down outside temperature wise but it is SO humid outside! According to The Weather Channel it was already quite humid at 7am!

Tuesday, July 13

7 am

80° F Temperature

83° F Feels Like

71% Humidity

I convinced Rebecca to give morning running a try which meant she had to wake up an hour early! I sold her on the idea by insuring that a morning workout would provide more energy all day long. I hope I was right.

We met at the corner of 23rd and 2nd Avenue at 6:15 and quickly set out for a four mile run. She took me on her regular path which was down 23rd for about 20 minutes and then turning onto the East River path back up to 23rd. We were both dripping less than half way through.

I love running with a friend as it allows for fun conversation, laughter due to people watching, and you always learn something new. This morning she introduced me to the East River track. Even though I’ve driven by this many times I’ve never seen it.

Unfortunately, my PT session yesterday evening was a tough one filled with hamstring and back strength work. They were right when they said I’d be sore this morning! I had to stop twice to stretch during our run and felt horribly making Rebecca stop. But, the good news is that my first outdoor run since the injury went pretty well. We did 3.8 miles in about 38 minutes which isn’t bad considering we took a walking break for a minute or two and stretched.

The freezing shower helped cool me down after the run but my clothes were definitely dripping sweat. How do you stay cool  and hydrated for morning runs?

All I wanted for breakfast was something cool and refreshing. Therefore, I increased my yogurt quantity this morning in my oats and included juicy, fresh blueberries. This, along with my Venti Green Tea definitely hit the spot!

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Weight Watcher Oatmeal (2 points)

1/2 c Fage 0% yogurt  (1 point)

Flax Seed (1 point)

1/2 c bluberries (1 point)

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