Free Workout in London – Project Awesome

Waking up early to squeeze in a workout before work is never easy. In fact, for many, it feels downright impossible.

Project Awesome, helps get London out of bed each Wednesday and Friday morning by promising them free fitness, enthusiasm and fun. Especially helpful during the rainy, cold, dark mornings one can’t help but smile when they hear the commotion coming from The Scoop, the group’s Wednesday meeting location. Similar to the November Project in the United States, Project Awesome is all about showing up and holding yourself accountable to working out regardless the weather!

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Danny Bent, an enthusiastic and spirited guy sporting short shorts and tons of muscles, makes the workout feel like a party. He brings a great playlist and speaker each week and screams the workout to the group in a non-threatening, supportive manner.  In fact, he gives sweaty hugs to all the newbies and prides himself on knowing everyone’s name!


Each Wednesday the group completes a body weight workout that lasts 45 minutes. The workout varies but many things are consistently a part of the routine: squats, burpees, pushups and stairs. The ampitheatre lends itself to stair climbing. They are a killer workout since they are so steep. My calves and glutes were burning after just a few minutes!

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Luckily we mixed up the stairs and body weight workouts with my running over Tower Bridge. I couldn’t get over the sunshine and views yesterday morning as a group of us chatted our way back and forth over the bridge. As we passed fellow project members we gave high fives and motivated each runner to go just a bit faster.

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These pictures can’t do the energy levels justice! Everyone was smiling their way through the workout, even during the group squats which lasted almost five minutes! At the end of every workout the group takes a pictures, a fun way to document the fun. As you can see there were around 40 people at yesterday’s class, ranging in age from 10 years old to mid 40s.

If you’re traveling to London or a local, head over to the Facebook page to find out more and join Charlie and company for their weekly workout. I guarantee you will feel the burn and have a blast! They meet each Wednesday at The Scoop, next to Tower Bridge, at 6:30am and each Friday at Primrose Hill. Don’t be surprised if someone hugs you upon arrival, screams your name as you’re dashing up the stairs or invites you to coffee afterwards. This group is all about the fun and camaraderie!


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Spin Geneve – Geneva’s First Spin Studio

This morning it felt more like we were in London or New York than Geneva!


Bo and I spent the morning doing something we’ve missed since moving abroad – enjoying a workout class followed by brunch. Catching up with friends before and after a sweaty workout class was a regular part of our weekend routine until moving to Geneva full time. While Geneva has many athletic people, very little of the Geneva social scene revolves around group fitness activities.

When I saw on Facebook that Geneva’s first spin studio was opening this week, Bo and I knew we wanted to give it a try. Bo, who is an avid Flywheel fan, has missed spin more than I have since moving abroad. But, as a runner who realizes the importance of cross training, I have missed cycling during these shorter, colder winter months.

Spin Geneve, conveniently located near our transportation hub, Gare Cornavin, enjoyed a soft opening the last few weeks of December before formally opening their doors on Monday.  An experiment of sorts, Spin Geneve is currently in Bike Switzerland, a local bike store which closes each winter during the off-season. This allows the Spin Geneve owners to see if the concept will work here before expanding into a permanent location.


Based on our first two classes, it is clear that spinning is an unmet demand here, and the studio should do wonderfully! The space features 15 brand new bikes with RPM monitors, a bathroom, changing area and huge fan to keep the room cool. One great aspect of Spin Geneve versus many other spin studios is that their bikes all have interchangeable pedals. This means that regardless your shoe or clip style, they can fix a bike to meet your need!

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The classes are 45 minutes in length and have, thus far, replicated many of the nearby rides and popular cycling routes. The climbs are long and intense, followed by fast sprints to flush out the lactic acid. Doing their best to cater to the local market and demand, they are considering adding a few back to back classes, allowing people who want longer rides to stay for two classes. Their schedule currently includes morning, lunch and evening rides making it a very convenient Geneva workout option.

Cost: 25 CHF though packages can reduce prices to 20 CHF – Address: 22 Rue des Grottes, 1201 Geneva – What to wear: If you have cycling shorts & shoes, make sure to wear them. Otherwise, your favorite workout outfit & shoes will suffice.

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Mile High Run Club

After reading about the forecasted wellness trends for 2015 in Well+Good’s article last month, I knew I had to try a treadmill running class when I was next in New York. Luckily my favorite workout partner and motivator, was willing to meet me bright and early on Friday morning at Mile High Run Club.


The newest member on the treadmill class scene, Mile High Run Club, brings something different. Mile High, in essence, is an indoor running club. The instructors, or coaches, are all elite runners. Their expertise helps them encourage and motivate each student to reach their own goals during the group treadmill class, whether it is your first day running on a treadmill or you are training to Boston qualify in your next marathon.


If you’re one of the many New Yorkers who loathes training for that goal half marathon in the bitter cold, this is a great option for you.


The large studio, located in NOHO, features 30 Woodway treadmills and kettlebell stations which face a gorgeous, lit wall. During class the wall colors changed, mimicking sunrise and sunset colors to brighten the mood. In addition to the large treadmill space, the studio also has a foam rolling area, small shop where runners can buy all the essentials, and a locker room featuring lockers, showers, toiletry items, towels and blow dryers.  (image source)

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Mile High offers two class formats: Dash 28 and The Distance. Dash 28 is a 45 minute class which includes 28 minutes of running followed by 10 minutes of kettlebell strength work and 5 minutes warm-up and cool down. The running portion is filled with constant intervals ranging from long climbs to sprints. Due to the coaches ability to modify and provide different speeds to attendees, this class is recommended for all levels ranging from beginners to elite runners. The Distance is far more intimidating and specifically for the advanced runner or athlete who is looking for a challenge. The 60 minute class isn’t for the feign of heart as it includes 50 minutes of non-stop running including hills and speed work.

Theodora and I experienced the Dash 28 workout on Friday. It was everything I hoped for and more. I was drenched in sweat by the end but smiling ear to ear! In the 45 minute class I squeezed in 3 miles of running, including a long climb and a few sprints. Each treadmill features a pace card for reference. This card gives you suggested speeds based on your ability and the level. (image source)

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During the class the coach led us through each of the four levels: jog, tempo, 85% effort, and full out. I really enjoyed our coach, Andia W, as she was a perfect mix of motivating and supportive. She didn’t scream or yell, which is common at other boot camp like classes. Instead, she constantly reminded us of how long we had in each set so we could push ourselves just a little bit harder.  She also made every part of the workout, from warm-up to kettlebells clear and easy to understand.

I finished the class feeling challenged not only from a running standpoint but also from the short kettlebell session! In fact, if they’d asked me right then to buy a package, I would on the spot. If only I lived in NYC! The workout is not easy but dang is it fun and I bet that going on a monthly basis, just to see how many miles you can finish in the amount of time, would be a great way to build it into your routine. I also love classes like this because they help inspire me to change things up when I’m on solo on the treadmill.

Cost: $34 though packages can reduce prices – Address: 28 East 4th Street, New York City – What to wear: Your favorite running gear is perfect for this class.

Thank you Mile High Run Club for the opportunity to sweat with you guys when I was in NYC!

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