Beer Bottle Vases and Wine Dates

I’d love to start this post off with a Happy Thursday, as you all would expect, but I can’t really do that. What I can focus on is that the week is finally looking up.

This week has been a tough week and some people have noticed it. I’ve had a few not so happy tweets lately and I haven’t been blogging more than once a day.

imageLast night, Bo and I cancelled our weekly movie date night because of my rough day. Somehow I don’t think red teary eyes and an exhausted girl make for a sexy date. But, since we chose to come home, I was greeted by an amazing flower delivery, compliments of Melissa. She saw that I was having a rough day and spread some joy.

IMG_2605 (640x478) IMG_2604 (478x640) I know, we’re classy with our beer bottle vases. Clearly I need to buy this as soon as possible since our Simon Pearce registry was never completed.

The rest of my evening can be described by this picture.

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Which in turn, is one of the reasons why I slept until 8:15 this morning and clearly missed my Central Park run. Oh, that and the fact that I can barely sit down after yesterday’s intense ViPR workout with my personal trainer.

But, a wine induced sleep was exactly what I needed, because my outlook today was far better than yesterdays.


I brightened everyone’s day by wearing a smile and bright colors all day in our very stressed out office.

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IMG_2616 (478x640) Somehow these are the two pictures Bo took this morning before work. Neither are perfect but the outfit has quickly become one of my favorite summer go to work outfits! It’s comfortable, bright, and fun! (The sweater and skirt are both from Anthropologie this year.)

I stuck with my normal breakfast and lunch since I know that stress can easily lead to unhealthy habits.

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I made time for the yoga mat tonight with another installment of Yoga for Runners from Yoga Download.


It felt wonderful but I couldn’t help wishing that I was doing yoga in Bermuda again. Was that trip really only two weeks ago?

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I may have also had a second date with my wine glass. I mean after all, this is a health and wellness blog and wine has been found to have great health benefits, right?

The health benefits of red wine are plentiful: it has powerful antioxidant properties that are derived from the red pigments in grape skins (members of a family of compounds called proanthocyanidins); it contains tannins that can help reduce the risk of heart attack by hindering the formation of blood clots; and studies have shown that red wine can raise levels of HDL, the protective form of cholesterol.

Question: How is your week going thus far? What are you looking forward to this weekend?

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Marathons+Moderation: Guest Post #5

Happy Wednesday everyone! This week’s Marathons+Moderation guest post comes from Amanda, one of my favorite runners.  Over the past two years, I’ve followed Amanda’s blog as she has battled through injuries, trained smarter, and grown through the process. She is one of the most honest bloggers that I know, often talking about the emotional and physical effects of training in a safe and open forum which also inspires readers to comment about their experiences.

Therefore, I was beyond excited when this busy lady offered to contribute to my marathons+moderation series. I hope you all head over to her blog to see what she’s all about and gain some inspiration!

When the idea to write a guest post about how I find balance with marathon training appeared, I jumped up raising my hand and exclaimed ”OHHH I want to do it!”

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A classic sign of the marathon overachiever, who tries to run more miles than the schedule calls for, while still fitting in every normal daily life activity. Then because of my it must be great attitude about all things didn’t have time to fully do it justice, so thanks to Ashley for patiently waiting.

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I am going to focus on the area of balance that was severely out of whack for nearly 8 years…cross training.
  As I fell in love with running, I wanted more…for 4 years I maintained a steady 50 mile per week average while rarely running a race. Then in year 5 I wasn’t getting faster, I was just enjoying the movement…then to no one’s surprise I was injured…a lot…badly..and annoyingly.

Even with these injuries I still didn’t see the benefit of cross training or the joy.  Luckily this year I made a commitment to myself to cross training full bore for three months. This was inspired by a number of things:
-Reading posts like Ashley’s about amazing new workouts she had tried
-Realizing I couldn’t lift things if I needed to
-Being completely exhausted if I tried to do any other kind of workout
-An amazing race season that had really wiped me out

It was becoming pretty obvious that might lack of variety was impacting my overall health, which was going to hurt my running. With my commitment I began to try EVERYTHING that came my way from yoga, Core Fusion, Biking, Swimming, Weights, core work, ki-hara…and again balance was out the window.

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I believe this is in some ways the trait of a runner. We simply go full boar until we can go no more, but I’m learning now that cross training can be fun, make me a better runner and create a new type of balance to my entire life.

Cross training like running needs to be fun and for me it needs to allow plenty of running time during marathon training.  To ensure that both marathon training and cross training could exist within the same week, required some planning…but less than you might imagine!

Monday and Wednesday I do 20-30 minutes of weights/squats/lunges and Tuesday/Thursday I do a killer 10-20 min core routine.  Neither of these require a great deal of time and therefore can even be done while I’m watching TV in the evening with David. I have also made a commitment to try a new workout monthly! It’s amazing what shaking things up can do to remind you of muscles you are neglecting and excite you to keep going with your cross training…it turns out 1 new thing a month, instead of 20 is much easier to do and enjoy.

I’ve also begun to have a weekly date with my hubby where we go bike riding. He loves it and it’s a great cross training workout for me, so it’s a win/win!  I love finding ways to workout with friends whether taking a walk to talk, biking or a running group these are the workouts that create amazing memories.

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There you have it…RunToTheFinish is about my passion for running, but more importantly living a joyful life. Balance is a large part of living joyfully and probably a process that will be ongoing forever!

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New Discovery: Yoga Download Shoulder Opener


Happy Tuesday!

Unfortunately, today was the second Tuesday in a row that work has kept me from my favorite class at Equinox.

IMG_2599 (640x478) But, unlike the past, I didn’t let a stressful day keep me from my yoga dreams.

IMG_2597 (640x478) I came home, rolled out my pink yoga mat, lit my favorite new candle, and searched iTunes for some yoga videos.

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Luckily, I found that Yoga Download has a free podcast which means I can enjoy 20 minute guided workouts for free! Each podcast also features an easy to print yoga pose guide. Just search Yoga Download on iTunes for over 40 free podcasts!

IMG_2601 (640x478) After a long day at the office and sitting in front of the computer, I chose the Yoga Download: Shoulder Opener #1  podcast.

It was the perfect mix of relaxing poses like the above and challenging plank and thread the needles poses.

image I can’t say enough wonderful things about these wonderful 20 minute sessions. They are free, easy to follow, can be done in the comfort of your own home, and leave me feeling relaxed and ready to conquer a homemade dinner!

Tonight’s dinner was another healthy and easy dinner inspired by Theodora’s pasta bowls: whole wheat pasta+vegetables+protein. In less than 15 minutes we whipped up a delicious dinner that was a nice change from our usual takeout or chicken and vegetables.

IMG_2596 (640x478) Tonight’s mix included spinach with garlic, white wheat rottini pasta, chicken meatballs, and vegetable primavera.

What is your favorite easy dinner combination?

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