Marathons+Moderation Guest Post #4

Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re staying cool as it’s supposed to be HOT outside today! I can’t believe we may hit 100 degrees in NYC today or tomorrow!

This week’s Marathons+Moderation guest post is from one of my new favorite bloggers; Monica! I finally had the opportunity to meet her in person last summer at Healthy Living Summit! She is as hilarious and real in person as she is on her blog! This lovely California girl knows how to kick it on the asphalt (she’s super speedy!) and at the dinner table. I hope you enjoy her guest post as much as I do! Also, if you’re interested in submitting a Marathons+Moderation post just leave a comment or email me at healthyhappierbear at gmail dot com.

Hello my name is Monica and I have a little blog called Run Eat Repeat. It’s about running and eating – not necessarily in that order.

I thought it was funny when Ashley asked me to write about moderation because I normally practice gluttony and sloth. But, those were her wishes so we’ll see what we can do 😉

Here are my tips for Training for a Marathon While Keeping Moderation in Mind
1. Run a lot. Then, run some more.

2. Eat a lot. This is my favorite part. I spend the last few miles of my run thinking up what I’ll eat after. Carb loading has never been a problem for me since my guy and I usually have a date night before my long runs and often hit up pizza, Thai or sushi – all loaded with deliciousness and carbs 🙂

3. Take Rest Days seriously. I am religious about my rest days. The day after every long run I don’t do anything at all. I basically get on the couch, order in Thai food delivery, get a bed pan and turn on The Real Housewives. That’s it.

4. Sleep. In addition to running and eating more – I sleep a lot more during marathon training. If you’re asking a lot of your body make sure you are giving it proper fuel and proper rest.

5. Have fun! I think this is one of the most important things to remember while marathon training. Unless you are getting paid by Adidas to run this race, treat it like a hobby. Find running routes you enjoy. Look forward to your runs, not with dread. Remember this is an amazing accomplishment and be proud of every run you cross off your training plan.

If you have any questions for me feel free to reach out at Run Eat Repeat.

Have a great day!

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A Sweet Surprise

Happy Tuesday!

I hope y’all have had a wonderful day! Work was a bit crazier than normal but also filled with a fun, sweet surprise to celebrate my five year anniversary. Our office used to celebrate events with Crumbs cupcakes but lately Pinkberry has replaced that tradition which is fine with me!

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My team knows me well and I think my face lit up when I saw the box of mini Pinkberry cups. I enjoyed mine with chocolate crunchies and strawberries!

The rest of the day’s food wasn’t quite as interesting.

After a great 4.5 mile run and stretching session, my stomach was growling like ferocious bear. Maybe my body forgot how much energy a run takes since I hadn’t run in a week.  I added a 1/2 scoop of protein powder this morning and it worked wonderfully. I do however suggest adding some Splenda or sweetener as well. Without it the taste is a little, weird.

 IMG_2480 (640x478) Every few days I try to switch up my romaine salads for something including a bit more nutritional value such as spinach. This morning’s spinach salad included mushrooms, beets, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, egg white, and spinach.

IMG_2499 (640x478)Unfortunately, my yoga dreams were ruined by my work schedule and Bo and I didn’t walk through the door until 8:45. We didn’t have enough ingredients leftover from last night’s salad to make fresh salads tonight. Therefore, we picked up salads from Toasties, our go to for fresh and delicious salads. It’s cheaper than Chop’t and has a better ingredient selection and friendlier staff.  IMG_2502 (640x478) I spent some time last night updating my Race Recap section. It was so fun to remember all the great races I’ve run over the past few years but I wish I had blog recaps of each and every one of them. At least, thanks to Athlinks, I have all my race information. If you haven’t discovered Athlinks yet I highly recommend paying the site a visit. You can register and it will track all of your race information for FREE!

In addition, I’ll be building my FAQ section over the next few days featuring answers to all your questions regarding my work-life balance, the story of me+Bo, and my favorite New York sites and restaurants. If you have any other questions, just leave me a comment.

Finally, last but not least,as you may or may not know, I am partnering with BeFitNYC to provide free fitness opportunities for New Yorkers in honor of the BeFitNYC launch. There are a few other bloggers working to provide free events like Missy and Dori who are hosting an awesome Intensati class! I’d love for you and your friends to come out to the event if you’re free. The details are below but please do comment or email me if you are going to attend! I love meeting readers and fellow bloggers!


If you’re in NYC Saturday and looking to break a sweat, join me, Leanne Shear , and the Rogue Female Fitness team for an awesome “30/30”  class! This great class is normally $25 per session! June 11’s class is a strength and sculpting class using 30 repetitions and 30-second intervals that borrows from Pilates with holds and pulses. It’s bookended at the beginning with some of our signature cardio and at the end with yoga-oriented stretching.

Time: 12-12:45

Location: Columbus Circle park entrance in Central Park

Find out more and register here or email me!

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Going Gaga for Monday


Today was exactly what I expected, a Monday post vacation. In case you’re catching up, Bo and I returned from Bermuda last night. Some of my blogger buddies helped me enjoy my vacation more by contributing guest posts and Bo even helped out!

Elbow Beach Resort & Spa Review

Kath’s Shared Her Summer Staples

Biking Around Bermuda

Heather shared her tips for Planning a Wedding and Still Having Friends

Meg Shared Her Healthier Pocket Pies Recipe

Shayne shared her tips for Marathons+Moderation

Bermuda in Pictures 

My work day was long, the food was basic, healthy, and delicious.

IMG_2479 (640x478)                                     Bananas, oatmeal, chopped pecans, and lots of cinnamon

IMG_2482                        Romaine, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, garbanzo beans,                                          green beans, peppers, and low fat balsamic vinaigrette

My spin class smelled like vodka coladas, wine, and Corona Light as I sweat through a great 45 minute spin session.

But, my weekly trip to the grocery store was made a bit more eventful when I saw a crowd outside the Gramercy Park Hotel. For a few brief minutes I forgot how heavy my groceries were and enjoyed the life of the paparazzi. Let me tell you, it isn’t gorgeous. These camera folks were tired, annoyed with their long wait, and using shoulders and elbows to knock people around.

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Luckily, I showed up just as the guards were giving the thumbs up.

Believe it or not, she couldn’t walk in her amazing foot high black shoes. Her two body guards were literally supporting her on each side. I guess her shoes are for posing only?

Last but not least, the winner of the giveaway is THEODORA!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2011-06-07 00:44:42 UTC

Congrats pretty lady! See, your luck is turning around!

Question: Have you ever seen a famous celebrity? Who?

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