A Long, Cold Run in Central Park

What a whirlwind week it’s been! Last night I was able to get on the earlier flight back to New York from Las Vegas but still didn’t get home until 2am. Unfortunately, Marc, my co-worker, and I learned an important lesson last night. If you land in New York City after 11pm at anytime the taxi stand manager said that cabs only arrive every five to ten minutes. Therefore, we waited in the cold for over an hour.

After crawling into bed around 2:30, I slept like a rock until almost 1pm. I felt like I’d been hit by a truck, not refreshed at all. I guess that’s what happens after being crammed in a middle seat of a six hour flight.

I ate brunch while relaxing with Bo, catching up on our weeks. I knew that the only thing on my agenda today was to do a seven miler in Central Park. Therefore my brunch was toast, peanut butter, and a banana paired with a G Series Fit.

002 003 After checking the weather report a few times, hoping that it would miraculously go from 22 degrees to 43 degrees in the hour before my run. Unfortunately that didn’t happen so I bundled up and got stoked to log the miles.

010 Okay, maybe excited isn’t the right word to use. I was apprehensive of how my body would react to running seven miles after running three days in a row, traveling across the United States, and feeling very dehydrated. image

I ran up Lexington Avenue and then cut over to Central Park so that I could ensure that my miles included hills. The half marathon I’m training for has a number of large hills which means that I can’t be fully prepared unless I spend each long run in the park.

Luckily, I enjoyed this run more than I expected because it was my first chance to enjoy Central Park during the winter outside of a race. It was serene, quieter than normal, and the barren trees gave the entire park an eerie feel.

These flags, in front of The Plaza Hotel, show just how windy it was ruing the entire run.

011 012I waved goodbye to the statues and headed into Central Park with a goal of keeping 10:00 pace during these middle miles after my two slower warm-up miles towards the park. 014 015 016019 020 021Right before my first round of hills I had two Honey Stingers which I absolutely loved! I’ve never tried these before but am in love. The pink lemonade flavor wasn’t too sour or sweet and they didn’t irritate my stomach.

022024 Instead of doing one round of Cat Hill and Harlem Hills I switched my run up today and did Cat Hill once and Harlem Hills in both direction due to turning around at 110th and 7th Avenue. Through the cold wind and freezing temperatures, along with a few fun snow flurries, I kept my pace at 9:58 until my final mile where my legs were showing their exhaustion. Instead of pushing them too hard I did my last mile at 10:03.

These are the runs that make me a stronger runner. By doing my best to run each long training run in the park, my legs will slowly but surely become adjusted to the hills and I’ll be able to power up them, as Gia requests, versus dreading them.

Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to enjoy a long bath with a shake and some bath salts.


Don’t forget to enter the Friday the 13th Gaiam giveaway!

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Home for the Holidays Virtual 10K In Pictures

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Home for the Holidays Virtual 10K

Editor’s Note:  This just in we are RE-OPENING registration for the Virtual 10K due to a high demand.  After much consideration and requests, we have decided to reopen the 10k.  We thought about those who have not had a chance to register as well as those who took the time to register.  Given the short registration time frame and the fact that people can register for a “normal” race the day of, we have reopened registration.  

For those who have already registered early, we are giving you the opportunity to be the only one’s in the raffle prize for the Brooks shoes. 

Happy Holidays!  2011 has been an amazing year for races, blogging, friends, and fun! Many of us qualified for Boston, ran our first half or full marathon, watched the Hood to Coast teams with awe and slight jealously, and maybe even just started running!

Now that 2011 is about to close and we are rushing home or to friends and families for the holidays, we wanted one last chance to enjoy that Runner’s High before we said our official goodbye to 2011.  I don’t know about you, but in our areas there were not many options for races this weekend.  People are BUSY!  It is Christmas and Hanukkah this week, so we get it.  That is why all the holiday races were previous weeks.  But we wanted MORE!!  Robin & Stephanie looked high and low for a 10k – Robin had a 10K on her training plan for this week and Stephanie wanted to make it 11 races in 2011 (she has 10).  I am heading down South for the holiday weekend, and there are not many options.

Good thing  bloggers are so resourceful!  First I tweeted this …

Then saw this…

And before we knew it Robin, Stephanie, and I were planning the The 1st Annual Home for the Holidays Virtual 10K!

Whether you are planning on going home for the holidays or not, we would love for you to participate in this Virtual Race.  What better way to burn off some holiday stressors and a few of those extra cookies than kicking out a 10K with some of your closest friends and bloggers.

Because what is the holidays without some of these fabulous sugar cookies!

If you have never done a Virtual Race before and have no idea what we are talking about, don’t worry it is simple and easy to catch on!  The idea behind the race is that you register (here) and instead of actually going to a designated area to race you get to do it on your own time (within a certain deadline) and at your own place.  We organize it all and then you just have to run and report back – tell us how it went, send us funny stories, pictures whatever.  You can get friends to do it with you in person or just rock it on your treadmill. Whatever works, anything goes!  Holidays are stressful and crazy.  This is supposed to be fun, healthy, and enjoyable!!!

Plus, if nothing else, we are going to have wonderful, fabulous prizes!!!  Amazing companies came out left and right to offer some great gifts.  Since this is just for fun, we will be doing prizes for Best Holiday Outfit During the Run as well as random sweepstakes (you enter the drawing by registering and running the 10K).

Here are the brands participating thus far:
Attune Foods
Skin Sake
Sparkly Soul Bands
Tommie Copper
Five Bamboo


Fleet Feet Sports

Choose Cherries
Road ID
Run for Fun – Run for Fun Bondi Band & the new I <3 My Crazy Bitch Dri-Fit Shirt
Healthy Happier Bear – Lululemon shirt
Westford Mommy – iTunes gift card

Wow!  We are pretty excited about all these prizes which came in so quickly.  Please check out the Terms and Conditions on winning these items here. But now, let’s lets talk logistics!


Race Date:  Friday December 23, 2011 through Monday December 26, 2011 – run whenever you would like between this time frame

Where:  Wherever you want – that is the beauty of the Virtual Race.  Run at home, outside, with friends wherever.  Stephanie & Robin will be running together if you are in the area, let them know to join in.

Race Distance:  10K – Run 6.2 miles!

Outfit:  As this is a holiday race, feel free to dress up! There will be prizes for the most spirited holiday outfit

Afterwards:  Afterwards submit your times – here (link will be updated with the correct information after registration has ended).  We would love to share your pictures and stories! We will let you know the results and who has won the prizes by 12/31/11.  Send us your pictures and stories so we can report back to everyone.   Please send them to healthyhappierbear@gmail.com)

Activity Waiver & Terms and Conditions:  Please check this page out as well. By registering, you are agreeing to abide by our Activity Waiver as well as the Terms & Conditions for the Sweepstake prizes.   More information can be found on this page.

E-mail:  You will receive a confirmation e-mail with any other need to know details Friday December 23, 2011.

Registration:  Register here!  Registration is open until Thursday December 22 at 11:59 p.m.

We are so excited about the 10K!  Please tweet, blog, Facebook, and share with everyone! We can’t wait.

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