Newbie Running Questions

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Fall greeted us in New York City this weekend resulting in cool, crisp weather and sunny skies! I enjoyed a Chai Tea each day, my favorite Fall drink!

In case you’re catching up from the weekend, it was a stress free weekend due to my last minute decision to forego the RNR Philadelphia Half Marathon.

This morning, I have a special post thanks to a weekend email. As a blogger who does my best to write daily, sometimes it’s a blessing to have topics requested! Luckily, this weekend, Kristine emailed me with a list of running questions. She just conquered her first 10k this weekend and is excited about her new sport but in need of guidance. I am still guilty of not considering myself a runner, so the fact that she emailed me was an honor in itself! You can read more about my journey to becoming a runner here.

I’m going to answer her questions over the next few days since there were quite a few. Keep in mind that I’m not an expert; these answers are merely my opinion.


Part 1:

Do you have any tips for someone running their first half marathon in January?

Congratulations on signing up for your first half marathon! It will be an awesome and incredible feeling of accomplishment when you cross that finish line smiling ear to ear! I truly believe in the saying, “proper planning prevents poor performance.” You are at least ten weeks out from your big day which is plenty of time! I suggest finding a plan and sticking to it as closely as possible, especially since this is your first half. There are plenty of great places to find plans including Runner’s World Smart Coach and Hal Higdon’s website. I used his novice half marathon plan for my first half and loved it!

How many days a week should you run?

This is a very personal question, but based on my own experience I recommend 3-4 days maximum. There are clear benefits to cross training activities such as yoga, swimming, spinning, or strength training. If you are pushing your body each day through running you won’t have the opportunity to cross train and your muscles will get accustomed to the exercises. Last year, I trained for the marathon injury free even though I ran 6 days a week. But, I also gained 9 pounds in the process and lost a lot of upper body and abdominal strength. This time around, I’m only running 3-4 days per week and cross training the other days. So far, I’ve lost 8 inches and reduced my BMI 3% during marathon training!

How do you make running on a "dreadmill" more fun?

Over the past few months, I’ve actually done my best to breakup with the treadmill. I now prefer pounding the pavement, even with the crazy New York City streets, over running on the treadmill. But, if you’re stuck on the treadmill due to weather, travel, or other circumstances I have learned a few tricks over the years!

  1. Create a great playlist that will keep you excited each mile. I often put my iPod on random so I don’t know what to expect next.
  2. Break the run up into parts. During half marathon training last year, I had to do a 10 miler on the treadmill and broke it up into 2 5ks and then one 4 mile run. I even changed treadmills during each section!
  3. When all else fails, find a treadmill near either a high traffic area or a television. This way you can take your mind off the run and focus on the people watching or the news. I actually love watching the news while I’m doing a morning treadmill run as it’s a nice change of pace.

What are your top 5-10 essential running clothing items?

Over the past few years, I’ve rotated my running wardrobe almost seasonally. I used to try a new item every time I bought new shoes. Last year however, during marathon training, I finally found a few key pieces that I fell in love with after just a few runs. Since then, these have been my go to running items.

Question: What is your favorite item for working out during the winter months?

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Two States, One Run

Good morning from Cincinnati!

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Yesterday brought another day of travel and a new city!  Luckily, Delta was kind enough to upgrade me to first class so I could work in comfort during the flight!IMG_4067 (640x478)

Per many of your recommendations on Monday’s post, I’ve spent the past two days trying to knock this cold. I’ve been drinking lots of water, taking my vitamins, eating fruit, washing my hands, getting extra sleep, and cut back on my cardio. Yesterday morning I did workout with my trainer but we did a heavy weights day versus doing cardio intervals. IMG_4069 (478x640)

Luckily, I woke up this morning feeling like my normal self because I had a running date with one of my colleagues, Erin! Erin reads the blog daily so when she mentioned that she was also in Cincinnati I knew a short run would be the perfect way to catch up, answer some of her running questions, and enjoy Cincinnati. Believe it or not, this was the first time I’ve run outside during a visit to downtown Cincinnati even though I come here for work at least 4 times per year!

My hotel provided us with an easy to read running map so we didn’t have to think about our route.

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I highly recommend asking the front desk of any hotel you’re visiting for a running map before you head out. They can point you in the right direction to ensure your safety and enjoyment. It makes running in a foreign city a lot easier!

You see that thick blue line on the map? That’s the Ohio River which separates Northern Kentucky from Ohio! We immediately knew we wanted to do that run since it would allow for some great views and hill work on the bridges.

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The 3.1 mile run took us over two bridges and through the newly renovated Newport on the River area. The run was done before I knew it due to the great company and constant conversation! Before I knew it we were back at our hotel with burning quads and smiles on our faces!

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This was the perfect way to shake out my legs before tomorrow’s long run!

Question: If you run when traveling to new cities, how do you find walking or running routes?

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A Perfect Scenic Chicago Run

Good morning from Chicago!

It’s hard to believe that I’ve run in New York, San Francisco, and Chicago this week! It’s been a whirlwind week for sure.

Yesterday, after a morning of meetings, I had an early afternoon flight to Chicago. The flight was uneventful and the morning’s long run meant that I was able to sleep for a a solid four hours.

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Upon arriving in Chicago, I was craving one thing: deep dish pizza. Even though I spent a wonderful weekend here last summer for Healthy Living Summit, I never had the opportunity to try this local treat.

Luckily, my manager was craving the same thing! Within minutes, we’d left our hotel in search of a local deep dish restaurant. Our concierge recommended Lou Malnatis, a local pizzeria located less than a mile from our hotel.

By 8:30, when we arrived, there was no line which resulted in quick, wonderful service!

Lou Malnati's Shines!






After studying the menu for a few minutes, we decided to share a medium Lou.

The "Lou"
A pizza so good we gave it his name!  Fresh spinach, mushrooms and sliced tomatoes covered with a blend of mozzarella, romano and cheddar cheese. No substitutions please.

The Lou did not disappoint!

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A slice and a half later I was happy and full! This was the perfect way to begin our quick trip to Chicago and fuel an easy morning shake out run.

Our hotel provides a perfect running map for runs in the area.

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My legs and hips were tight this morning but I knew an easy run would help loosen them right up!

The views were amazing and the other runners were inspiring as they sprinted past me on Lake Shore Drive!


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What a fabulous way to start the day in Chicago! If you’re looking for a flat and scenic route while visiting Chicago I highly recommend this 3.4 mile path.

Happy Friday!

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