Pump It Up Playlist

Over the past two weeks I’ve given my workout playlist quite a face lift thanks to everyone’s marathon playlist recommendations and iTunes. I realized this morning, as I was rocking out to my favorite Foster the People song during my 3 mile run, that I never shared the playlist with y’all.

I can’t thank you enough for all the suggestions as I’m really loving each and every one of these songs right now!  I hope you enjoy some of this four hour playlist as much as I do.

image image I’ll be back later with an update from my first personal training session post marathon. It was a surprising and eye opening session for sure! Have a great Tuesday!

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Long Run Play Mix


Last week I talked about how influential my new run mix was in powering me through the solo miles. A few people have emailed me requesting that I share the songs. I’m putting my pride aside and sharing the mix of songs that I loved listening to even though they are a very random mix!

image image These songs take me back through the years. Back in sixth grade I knew every word to Always be My Baby, Blink-182 is fresh out of my high school years, and OAR and John Mayer were the theme song to my freshman year at University of Georgia.

I hope you enjoy one or two of these for your playlist this week. I’m currently debating whether I should still go down to Philadelphia for this weekend’s half marathon and rocking out to Jay-Z.It’s been a really long week and it turn’s out that Leslie’s IT band is giving her big issues and may keep her from running it too. I could stay in New York City, run the Fitness 4 miler AND finish my 20 miler, all while still being able to catch up with Bo before I leave for Los Angeles. Believe it or not, due to our schedule this week we literally have not seen each other AWAKE since Monday. 🙁 That’s a sad story.

In fact, typing this, I think I’ve made my decision.

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A Flashback Playlist

Tonight was not your average evening.

Instead of leaving work around 7:30, I was able to walk out guilt free at 6pm, just in time for yoga.  I’ve taken this yoga class a few times before and absolutely love the instructor, Samantha Debicki. She is young, friendly, and like a ray of sunshine after a long stressful day.

Samantha Debicki

Her class is described on the Equinox site as a more athletic class and I’d agree.

A vigorous, more athletic approach to yoga techniques characterized by flowing poses and sequences that are linked to the breath. Classes are diverse and sequencing will vary with instructor philosophy.

Tonight’s class included wall stands, crow poses, and multiple boat pose sequences.

After that class, I moved studios for a second class, Stretch and Restore for Athletes.

Using a foam roller and expert guidance, stretch and move to address imbalances, remove knots, increase blood flow, and release toxins in the muscles. The sweet dose of self-massage and myofascial release will align your spine and leave you feeling connected, relaxed, lighter and a better athlete.

This quick class was amazing as it combined some traditional foam roller moves with more complicated moves that I’ve never tried and some wonderful back work. If you live in NYC and ever have the opportunity to try this class you’ll love it! Next time I’ll try to take my iPhone so I can captures some of the moves.

By 7:15 I left Equinox happy, relaxed, and energized. I forgot how much I love evening yoga sessions.

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In very unusual fashion, I came home and didn’t give into Seamless Web. Instead, I took out the cutting board, our leftover Eataly produce, and some sipped a glass of wine while cooking dinner.

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Tonight’s dinner included a mixed green salad dressed with crumbled blue cheese and a drizzle of balsamic and olive oil. The main attraction included whole wheat rotini, sautéed squash, leftover chicken, and jarred sauce. Topped with a dash of garlic gold and parmesan this was delicious and filling!

I enjoyed dinner at my new blogging work station Bo set up for me this weekend.

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I really want to decorate the walls now that this is going to me blogging location and my home office.

While enjoying dinner, I put together a new running playlist which includes some blasts from my middle school and high school days.

imageNow, I’m going to enjoy some time curled up in bed with the book that never ends, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Question: What is your favorite workout song right now?

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