Make It Count

Tonight’s post is going to be brief due to my utter exhaustion. But, in keeping with my goals for the holiday I am making sleep and working out a priority. What happens in between those times isn’t quite as easy to control due to constant holiday parties, Christmas shopping, baking, and travel.

It’s hard to find time during this busy season to workout more, but it is possible to make your workouts work harder for you whether in the gym, outside, or in your own home.

003Inspired by my running coach and the schedule she put together this week, I pushed myself harder during this morning’s run than I have in months.

  • I ran 5 miles instead of the normal 3-4 weekday miles.
  • I pushed my speed for 3 miles instead of 2.

Today’s workout was perfect for the longer mileage because the constant changes kept me interested.

2 mile warm-up

2 mile pickups (1 min at warm-up pace, 1 min at push pace)

1 mile cool down (a bit faster than warm-up but still conversational)

Here are a few more ideas for making your workouts more effective:

  • If you’re short on time, workout at home to save on gym commute time.
  • Run, walk, climb at a faster speed than normal
  • Up the incline during a run or walk.
  • Throw in a couple of cardio blasts during a weight lifting session or to the beginning of a relaxing yoga session to get your heart rate pumping.

Your Turn: What are your tips to use your time more wisely during your time crunched workouts?

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Pump Some Iron: Two Great Workouts

Since I started strength training with a personal trainer back in March, I’ve received many reader questions regarding workouts. Due to popular request, I asked my trainer to provide two different workouts, especially perfect for runners, that readers can do either at home or in their local gym. The great thing about the body weight workout is that it requires NO props or tools. This is the perfect workout for a business traveler or someone who doesn’t currently belong to a gym.

I hope you enjoy these workouts as much as I did last week while my trainer was out of town!

IMG_0801 (478x640)Body-weight workout (15 repetitions, 4 times through):

Burpee (10 reps)
Push Up
Lateral Lunge
Alternating Side Lunge
Inverted Row
Plank Hold (1 Min)
Leg Raises


Weighted workout (15 repetitions, 3 times through):
*Chose a weight that is challenging for the last 2-3 repetitions of each set
Split Squat (Stationary Lunge)
Pull Up
Dumbbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Curl and Press
Front Squat
Medicine Ball Trunk Twist

IMG_1088 (478x640)IMG_1089 (478x640)IMG_1090 (478x640)

If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I can ask my trainer!

In addition, here are the other strength training workouts I’ve previously shared:

Personal Training Check- In

Personal Training Session 2

A TRX Workout

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Running, Eating, and Smiling My Way Through the Week

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already Thursday! Where did this week go? Oh yeah, Monday was a mix of Miami and Fourth of July while I’ve spent the rest of the week immersed in my new job.

Even though the week has flown by thus far, it’s been a great week for two reasons: workouts and food!


Due to our vacation schedule and Fourth of July plans, Monday was my rest day this week. I spent the day traveling back from our Miami vacation. Tuesday morning, bright and early, I was kicked back into reality with an hour training session. This session left me more sore than any other session to date. We spent time engaging multiple different muscle groups by using the TRX, VIPR, weights, and body weight.

Of all the exercises, the single leg sit down was the hardest and left me quivering!

I’ve also enjoyed two outdoor runs this week, one 3 mile long and the other 5 miles. The 3 mile run was a refreshing evening run which allowed me to release stress before walking through the door. I also enjoyed a new route during this run along the East River and the United Nations!

Yeah, I'm bringing sexy back for sure.

This morning’s five mile run wasn’t quite as refreshing but it was the perfect kick in the butt. For some reason, I’ve had a hard time finding motivation to do longer runs during the week. I can wrap my head around and get excited about a 5k or even a 4 miler but 5 and 6 mile runs are harder. However, Bo got me out of bed this morning for a five mile run through the city and along the Hudson. Even though we listened to music the entire time and I stopped to stretch out my sore legs a few times, we finished the run keeping a 10 minute pace and enjoyed some amazing views!

Bo running along the HudsonWashington Square Park was gorgeous in the morning sun!

My workouts for the rest of the week include another personal training session tomorrow, a long run with Theodora on Saturday followed by Well+Good’s Yoga for Runner’s class, and then finally a spin class or yoga on Sunday.


Today's skirt doubles as a fun backdrop!

Yogurt+Berries+Oats= refreshing Summer breakfastThis is quickly becoming one of my favorite salads!

 Can you see a trend? My breakfast and lunches have been super clean and healthy this week. I’m doing my best to keep my energy high in my new job that matches the amazing new view and sunny window I have by way of a new desk. Therefore, I’m starting every morning off with a huge bottle of lemon water, oats, and a multivitamin and fish oil supplement.

Overall, it’s been a great week and the perfect way to kick off July! If you’re looking for more great ways to kick off your July, check out some of the news on The Go Healthy NY sites. There are a lot of great programs taking place this month including free fruit days, free cancer screenings, and the launch of Great American Health Challenge!

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