An Intense Bike Tour of Manhattan

Yesterday’s adventures were unbelievable and intense! When we woke up, after eight hours of sleep, Bo asked if I’d consider doing a long bike ride instead of a long run since he’s training for his first triathlon! I was apprehensive at first but as soon as I saw the glorious weather and had some motivation from Theodora who was also embarking on a long ride, I said of course!

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After breakfast we headed up town to Pedal Pushers bike shop. The staff at Pedal Pushers were super friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful! We went in there ready to rent road bikes for the day including clips and the whole nine yards. Unbeknownst to me, clips are scary shit! After getting the requisite lecture about the dangers of biking in New York City and how much cab drivers hate bikers, I was more than a little fearful. Bo on the other hand was ready for clips and excited for the adventure. For once, I listened to my gut and brain and opted to get a bike with cages instead of clips.

IMG_2386 (640x478)This is the smile of girl who is excited to bike for the day with cages instead of clips! Cages allowed me to easily start and stop cycling on the busy city streets.

IMG_0694Our route wasn’t planned very clearly, instead we just went wherever we felt. We started with a loop in Central Park before exiting in Harlem and heading towards Riverside Park.

IMG_0695 IMG_0696 IMG_0693After an adventurous hike and ride through Riverside Park we headed up towards the George Washington bridge.The views of the river and New Jersey were amazing!

IMG_0692 IMG_0685 (640x478) IMG_0686 (480x640) IMG_0688 (478x640)After reaching the bridge we took a water break and then headed down the Hudson River parkway back towards Manhattan.

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Fleet week and the tourists made riding on the Hudson River Parkway less than desirable but I had one thing on my mind, a cold smoothie!

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Thirty miles later we were exhausted but excited for many more long rides in New York. Now we just have to find a better path next time!

We also learned a few things from yesterday’s ride:

  1. If you want to get serious about riding, experiencing a road bike is very important. But, you need to be confident of your abilities before embarking on a long ride in a congested area. Bo felt more confident and therefore chose to go with cages but I on the other hand, just wanted to become comfortable with a road bike versus dealing with clips too.
  2. Be sure to wear the proper attire! Having padded bike shorts on made the ride far more enjoyable for both us and I was still sore at the end! They don’t cure everything but they definitely help!
  3. Carry plenty of water and fuel because YOU will sweat and you will work your body. I’ve always figured that riding a bike was easier than running but there were points yesterday, when I was keeping a 16 mph pace on an incline and was amazed how tough it was. I loved it and was happy I had my Camelbak for easy water access.
  4. If you’re cycling with someone else, have a plan because it’s tough to stay within speaking distance of each other. We started the ride without a plan and quickly got separated which made for a stressful situation. Even though we had our phones, it is IMPOSSIBLE to ride a road bike and talk at the same time on the streets of Manhattan.
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Say It Do It: Round 2

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already 10:45pm! This has been a Monday unlike any other. Here’s my day so far in bullet points.

  • I slept until 7:45am since my body was still clearly exhausted from our busy weekend in Atlanta!
  • I did my weekly grocery shopping at Duane Reade this morning when I saw their oatmeal sale sign! I left a few minutes later with 5 bananas, a canister of oats, apples, and a fresh pack of gum! I’m loving the redesigned Duane Reade shopping experience! They merge my favorite parts of the drugstore with all my grocery needs and happen to be located right across from my office!

  • Bo and I met at the subway at 6:15 so we could make it to the gym by 7pm. The evening gym experience was far different from my morning routine. I had to wait 2 minutes for a treadmill and then spent my run watching Entertainment Tonight and gawking at the number of people crammed into our New York City sized gym. It was a humid and hot sweatbox tonight! But, I slammed out an awesome 5k run in 29:10 in preparation for tomorrow’s NYRR Wall Street 5k!
  • Bo and I then enjoyed our first ever weeknight movie date! We bought dinner from Pret and snuck it into the theatre before enjoying the 8pm showing of Bridesmaids. Overall, I’d give the movie a B. It was definitely entertaining but some of the jokes were too long and at times the main characters life was a bit painful to watch. But, in the end we laughed and it was a great way to start the week.


Now, in Fit Chick in the City style, I want to share this week’s workout plans in order to help myself stay accountable. I know this week is going to be a busy one with two special events, one work event, and a trip to Philadelphia for Leslie’s big day.

Sunday- Physique 57 Arms+Abs DVD

Monday- evening 5k run on the treadmill+abs
Tuesday- AM Physique 57 Arms+Abs DVD+ NYRR Wall Street 5k in the evening
Wednesday- Personal training appointment+Pure Yoga Figure 4 event in the evening
Thursday- 6 mile run in Central Park+Physique 57 Arms+Abs DVD in the evening
Friday- AM personal training appointment
Saturday- fun run with Meghann in Philadelphia+ dancing the night away at the wedding
Sunday- rest day

Question: What are your goals this week? Did you stick to your goals last week?

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I Finally Did It…

After weeks of seeing Ali’s gorgeous pictures and Central Park running recaps, I finally got my ass up to Central Park for a morning run!

I went to sleep at 10 last night, so I could wake up bright and bushy tailed at 5:05! My goal for the week was to complete a Central Park run before leaving for Atlanta. Each week I talk about running outside, but always find myself inside Equinox on a boring treadmill.

This morning I enjoyed my first pre-work Central Park run EVER! I loved every single second of it!

Even though I had the challenge of being outside versus on a treadmill, I was able to maintain a great pace the whole run!

Mile 1    9:56

Mile 2    9:55

Mile 3    9:49

Mile 4    9:33

Mile 5    9:34

Mile 6    9:55

Mile 6-6.9 9:35

IMG_2067 (640x478)I used the 63rd street Equinox as my “home base” this morning, arriving by 5:45 so I could drop off my purse and change of clothes, before heading towards Central Park. From Equinox, I ran up Park until 68th street where I cut over towards Central Park.

IMG_2038 (640x478) The windows and buildings in the Upper West Side are absolutely gorgeous!

IMG_2040 (640x478) IMG_2039 (640x478)Once I hit the park, I headed towards the Reservoir, where I wanted to do some speed work on the nice soft, flat surface.

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The park was lush with Spring growth and filled with other runners and cyclists enjoying the amazing weather!

IMG_2044 (640x478) I said hello to my dog friend before heading up towards Cat Hill.

IMG_2050 (640x478)The cyclists were so fast!! I saw multiple groups training together including the Lipstick Triathlon team!

IMG_2053 (640x478) Oh hello Cat Hill! I focused on my form and sprinting up the hill as quickly as possible!

IMG_2054 (640x478) IMG_2055 (478x640) Once reaching the Reservoir I was pleasantly surprised to find functioning water fountains. During the winter months the city turns off the water fountains as a cost saving method and you never know when they’ll turn them back on.

I stretched for a second and then enjoyed a few sips of water before tackling speed training on the reservoir path. My goal was to maintain less than a 9:40 pace during my loops. Seeing Ali inspired me to be even faster as she sprinted right by me while I stretched!

Check out the gorgeous scenery I enjoyed while I looped the reservoir!

IMG_2056 (640x478) IMG_2057 (640x478) IMG_2058 (640x478) IMG_2059 (640x478) I chased this guy for a quarter mile before finally passing him!

By the end of my last lap I was exhausted!

IMG_2061 (640x480) But not too exhausted to savor one last glance of the skyline before heading back towards Equinox.

IMG_2063 (640x478) 6.9 miles later I felt refreshed, excited to have finally run outside, and inspired for my upcoming races! Running at least once per week in Central Park has now become my number one workout goal! Yoga and swimming will come in good time but for now, I want to enjoy every last week of Spring weather before it gets hot and humid in New York City!

Question: Who is your workout inspiration?

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